
Am I the only one that feels uncomfortable telling people my exact due date and how many weeks you are?

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  • Of course there is no such things as an exact due date. Perfectly fine to keep it as vague as you want.

  • We always kept it vague – “Late November” – because otherwise you feel like everyone’s monitoring you on a daily basis.

  • Only do what feels right for you.

  • Nope. the last thing you need is to be over emotional, overdue & getting a lot of phone calls!

  • I know of 3 instances where the Mums predicted the babies would arrive about a week before the due dates they were given. 2 of them were spot on – in fact one was one day different.

  • We didn’t give our “due date”, next time l will be making one up a good few weeks after my real due date.
    Most people get confused with weeks, so you can get away with just saying the months.

    We also didn’t tell anyone about the birth until after 24hours.

  • I tell anyone who asks. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to.

  • With my daughter i told every one the due date (Christmas), then after an ultrasound closer to the date i was informed my due date was different (New Years). Dear daughter decided neither worked and came on the 6th Jan instead.

    So due date isn’t an exact science just an idea of when we get to see our toes again. :)

  • Your due date is really just an estimate. I have always told people my due date, it never bothered me. With my second I had a planned c section so I actually knew what date bub would arrive. In that instance I was hesitant to tell people just in case circumstances changed.

  • I told my exact due date with my first. Next time I think I will leave it a little more open and just say the birth month. Purely because my son ended up coming 2 weeks after the date and I got sick of all of the messages asking if I had had him yet – I wanted him out more than anyone by then!

  • I told everyone my due date when asked. As it turned out my daughter was born approximately a week later.

  • Totally up to you. I did with all 3 of mine. My first was a week early, my second a week late, and my third 3 weeks early so it was only really with my second I got over people asking when I was due :)

  • I think it adds pressure on you. Something like “late April” is fine.

  • Whilst I’m no expert, I highly doubt your alone in your quest to keep intimate details of your pregnancy to yourself and members of your inner safety circle, (not everything needs to be made into a facebook status!!) however, I am of the belief that each women’s pregnancy is uniquely special to them and not a stereotypical – textbook style situation. Everyone’s needs & wants vary, go with what you need / want physically and emotionally – your the captain, go with what works for you!

  • No, dates more than likely change. Personally, I think it is better to give a later date than expected and once bub is born then announce. Saves having visitors when you are not feeling up for it.

  • I was never uncomfortable. I think i expected the question so i braced myself to answer. Plus i was excited and i just say around August or mid October etc. ;)

  • I have a friend that didn’t tell anyone the due date of any of her 3 kids!

  • I told with my first but was more secretive with my second.

  • i told them it was end of september.. not the exact date cos i didnt want to jinx it.. bub could come early or even few days late who knows..

  • The baby could come before or after the due date anyway so it’s never exact. Just say “mid November”! Or “early November”

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