
Mine does and I hear so many ppl saying theirs don’t? What’s going on?

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  • Absolutely! We both work, both have kids, it’s a team effort

  • Mine helps with the kids and occasionally housework, but l try to do the housework as l am a stay at home Mum and he works.
    I also hear of husbands never helping out. I don’t get it – l think those men were always lazy and the wives didn’t vet them well while dating?

  • Yes mine helps

  • I am blessed! Hubby likes to cook so does 90% of the cooking. He is also a bit of a clean freak so washes all the windows, floors, decking etc. I do the washing and ironing. Hubby also washes the car and mows the lawn. I manage the accounts and banking.

  • It all depends how they were brought up – in the dark ages or in a progressive family! I absolutely hate when my husband announces that he’s ‘done the dishes for me’ or taken the washing out ‘for me’ …dont do it for me dude, you live here too!

  • Single parent so no husband, it’s all me.

  • Mine helps me but he is moody if he is in mood he would do everything and sometimes when he is not in mood he wont help me at all and keep assuring me he will handle it but he wont lol

  • Mine does. He didn’t really do it very much back in the day, but when I did my first retail Christmas I was largely out of commission so he had to or not have anything done. Since then he does help

  • Definitely both help out, though we try and do things we enjoy…I love cooking, he enjoy bbq, I don’t mind mopping etc, he prefers to handle laundry, he does the handyman duties because I’m not overly skilled in that area and I tend to sort out decorating etc…finding a balance based on strengths rather than roles

  • Mine does because he knows that stuff won’t get done otherwise and I need help around the house. I cant do it all on my own without being completely miserable with my life and he knows that, so he helps. Plus he makes the mess so he damn well should help clean! Haha.

  • Hmm for us it’s me doing everything inside from cooking to washing to cleaning etc but he does all outdoors. But indoors is an every day thing whereas outside isn’t?

  • Reading half these comments and Im so jealous! My partner is so lazy haha once every so often he will tell me to run myself a bath and relax whilst he takes care of dinner. Just as Im adding in my muscle relaxants to my hot bath he calls out: hey babe before you jump in do you recon you could chop the chicken.
    Every god damn time!

  • Mine does too. We both help out with both but he does more of the cooking because he makes better food than I do and I do more of the cleaning because I’m home more and I like things a particular way. I guess whatever works for your particular family or situation.

  • My hubby works away but when he’s back will take care of the school run and anything that needs doing outside. I do all washing and vacuuming etc but he helps with dishes and other odd jobs that need doing.

  • Nope..i am with two little kids every day and i am cooking,cleaning and doing all household chores plus cutting grass,prunning bushes and small trees,last week i drilled some holes to hang pictures and frames and painted wall…my partner is working 7 days a week- getting up around 3.30am and coming home around 5pm.he doesnt have time for it- i prefer him to spend time with our children 1yo and 3yo and bond with them.

  • hahaha no! I’m trying to train him better as he is still used to his mum cleaning up after him. don’t worry, he will learn

  • I don’t call it helping because household chores are as much his responsibility as mine because it’s his house too, but my husband does stuff around the house- mainly cooking, and some outside jobs. We have a pretty even split regarding this stuff.

  • Not really but if I ask he will. I think its a generational thing-the way he was bought up. However it gets a bit long in the tooth when they don’t help out the way they should.

  • I am loving reading all the mom responses to this.

  • We take turns with cooking and he does whatever needs to be done when it needs to be done. I’m also very lucky

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