
I have a 3 1/2 year old. occasionally he will wake and walk down to our bedroom and climb into our bed and go straight back to sleep. I normally move him back into his bed about half an hour later.

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  • Both my kids still sleep with us! One is two, almost three and the other is 14 months tomorrow.
    Both co slept with us and have continued to stay in the same bed.
    We got a queen blow up mattress that we put on the bottom of our bed and once they’re asleep we move them onto that bed but usually they’ll wake up and crawl back onto our bed!!!

  • my toddler is already in my bed hehehe I haven’t managed to get him to sleep in his own room consistently yet

  • No thank god! i am currently breastfeeding a 7.5 month old so having to get up to her is enough let alone mr 3 coming into our room!

  • No but I have an older child who will call out in the night for us to pull their sheets up on the bed! I wish they’d remember they can do that on their own!

  • yeah kids do that! lol they just want to be with you!

  • Yes my oldest son has only just stopped. Within days my three year old started, but we have him in the routine he will get a quick cuddle and a kiss and then is more than happy to be carried back to his own bed a few minutes after he comes down. As long as it is done camly he quickly falls asleep.

  • Yep. Both my kids still do and they are 9 and 6. It doesn’t bother me as it’s nice to have the cuddles and I figure they won’t be doing it when they are 15!

  • This is so very normal! Our often did this right up until part way through year 1. It seemed to go in cycles – probably active mind/ new teeth coming through and the like. Ours would wake up upon being moved back to own bed. Not a huge deal, so we just endured the occasional midnight visit.

  • That must quite frustrating, or not? My daughter never did.

  • Sometimes if they were sick or had a bad dream, they would jump into our bed. But it wasn’t a regular thing

  • My 2 1/2 year old does the same, sometimes each night! I find the quicker I return him to his bed the better chance he will stay in his own bed the rest of the night.

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