
Hi there MoMs – can you please ask other mums for advice on some good (cheaper) alternatives to joining a gym. I’m new to my area and would like to meet some other mums and get some exercise but don’t really want to do the gym. Thanks for your help.

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  • Walking is great exercise. And a lot of areas now have outdoor boot camps designed for Mums and Babies – maybe ask your local council or ring a couple of community groups.

  • There might be some walking groups in your area. Try finding them on social media.

  • Get yourself out walking. When your fitness level has improved, work up to jogging. I have a WII, a yoga DVD plus I create my own workouts. I just need motivation now

  • I did some mum and baby classes – hydrotherapy, yoga and pilates. It was a way to exercise, meet other mothers and still spend time with my baby so win, win, win. Now I go to my local aquatic centre that has a cheap creche where my baby stays while I swim laps.

  • I would use the park for walking instead of going to a gym!

  • Most municipalities have ymca programs… Yoga, Zumba and boot camp type things. Jump on your local council website they should have links or Google your nearest ymca/PCYC.

    There are also a lot of personal trainers out there now that probably offer bootcamps in your local area or even try and get in touch with a mother’s group and arrange walks?!

  • You may find a community group suited at the local church or community centre .

  • If your community has a Facebook page you could look on there. They often post walking groups, Mothers groups, yoga groups, Zumba & some other general fitness groups.
    Your local shopping centre may also have a community board, have a look on that.
    If you don’t see anything you think you might be interested in post a Looking For ad :)

  • Sign up to a charity event. Now you have a deadline to meet. It is amazing now how you will fit in the training.

  • Have a look in your nearest community centre or local council. They often have info on local walking groups, mothers groups or other groups that might be helpful. If you’re a mum yourself, try meeting other mums through activities for the kids. Trips to the park. The local playgroup etc

  • Local community house should have some groups

  • yeah just get active with the kids and make sure you have fun!

  • go for walks or dance or get an exercise machine

  • Check out local community groups you can often join small groups to do exercise or ask on facebook and get directed into some groups that do meet ups etc. It’s great to be able to have a group to do things with.

  • your local community centre, library or local paper usually have notices up with like minded people as yourself, quite a few mums join up together during the week and go for power-walks etc. you will make some wonderful friends too :)

  • meetup.com!

  • Workout videos on YouTube. Try yoga for beginners, great workout

  • Maybe try to start a walking/exercise group on Facebook for your local area??? Then others with the same idea can join you, you get company of others and more motivation to do exercise.

  • bootcamps, walking groups, personal training, internet (looking for exercises)

  • just go walking around the neighbourhood, you may meet some of the people in your area

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