
My 4 year old stutters. He was diagnosed 8/10 later last year with 10 being worst. So it is quite bad. We have been doing speech therapy every week since almost 6 months. They follow the Lidcombe program. He has gotten a little better but it’s still very inconsistent. There’s a period when he is much better and there are days when it’s worst. It’s getting to a point where I’ve seen some friends making fun of him. I feel so sorry for him as this is when I’m around. I don’t know what happens when I’m not there i.e day care etc. He starts school next year and I’m losing my sleep over what’s going to happen. Has anyone successfully done speech therapy and gotten better? Has anything else/ other therapy helped? How are teachers/ kids at school with someone like this? I was thinking of getting him into public school but anyone experienced any different with private school being more accommodating? Im at a stage that I’d try anything to make him feel better and/ or get completely off it.

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  • I work with special needs children and I would say to start him on speech therapy asap.

  • Not me personally but a friend of mine did and had great results

  • I think your choice to seek speech therapy is a good one. I would ask speech therapist to do some sessions at child care / school so strategies that are implemented are shared and consistent. I’m sure your child is not the only one with an abnormality of speech / delay. When you feel he gets teased I would suggest an information session at child care / school (either by yourself, therapist or staff) about stutter and talk with the kids how they can help him.

  • I think I’d definitely seek a second opinion from another specialised speech therapist.

    In relation to schooling – in my experience I’ve found public schools to be much more helpful & accomodating of kids with special needs or learning delays etc.
    My experience wasn’t regarding stuttering, but a child with learning delays, communication issues and very delayed gross & fine motor skills. The public schools (2 as we moved) were fantastic and so helpful. Had an aide with my child in class and also incorporated OT and speech therapy into other lessons. They also developed an individual learning plan which was reviewed each term. The also included extra funding for an aide/assistant.

    Upon moving to a private school in year 4, my child was ‘lost in the group’. They were aware of child’s difficulties, but very much focussed on the class as a whole. And did not have aides in class. Also didn’t have funding so my child was left to own devices.
    We went back to the public system.

    Good luck mumma.

  • Iv herd singing can help with stutters, maybe start doing singing with him, private speech therapy is best and follow closely with what they are saying, and if you are second guessing what they are saying there is no harm in getting a second opinion

  • It may be worthwhile seeking a second opinion from an experienced speech pathologist. All stutters are different and the Lidcombe Program (LP) must be adapted to suit each child within the overall framework. This takes skill and experience to do. I would recommend seeking input from Dr Brenda Carey’s speech pathology clinic which specialises in stuttering – google “my stuttering specialist”. All of the speech pathologists there are highly highly experienced in providing LP therapy and they provide skype therapy so it doesn’t matter where you are located. Definitely seek out her input and she will guide you with information on how to best manage your child’s stuttering from a basis of best evidence practice. Best wishes from another mumma with a child who stutters.

  • Keep going to those appointments and don’t loose hope!

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