
My husband has tried all sorts methods including Champix to stop smoking. Now looking at hypnotherapy. Has anyone else had success with it?



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  • A few work colleagues tried hypnotherapy. It worked for some, but not all. I have been smoking for over 30 years and decided to go cold turkey, the first time I lasted about a month, as I don’t think I was quite ready, this time I just woke up one morning and decided that I was not going to smoke anymore, it has now been 6 months and hope to never pick up another cigarette. You husband may just not be ready.

  • An old school mate tried this and it worked for him. Three years later and he’s still smoke free

  • My neighbor did this and said the feeling was instant. After a few sessions he just didn’t want to smoke anymore and the smell made him feel sick.

  • Hey, did your husband end up getting hypnotherapy? Did it work? Been looking at it for myself :).

  • No sorry never tried, but have tried the champix with a good result, that was for a little while anyway. Next time i try it i hope to kick smoking for good.

  • Tried so many things in the end it was will power and the gum that worked for me

  • Wishing your husband every success.

  • my close friend tried it, she swears by it. so far it’s been 6 months and she has been smoke free, not to say she still has the occasional cravings, but is doing well thus far.

  • I went 3 times and still smoking :-(

  • Following – My Hubby is in the same boat, He’s tried the patches, champix, etc. He goes through a pack a day, & wants to get off them, but has a stressful job that takes over his will power to quit.. Would love to hear peoples opinions on this..

  • I know of a few people that have! Worth a try :)

  • I know 2 people who have done the hypnotherapy and successfully quit

  • A friend of mine wanted to give up smoking, but couldn’t take Champix. He had tried patches, gum & lozenges, with limited success. Another friend swore by hypnotherapy, so he decided to give it a go. He had two sessions, and hasn’t had a cigarette since. Although he admits to wanting a smoke every now & then, he said that by using electronic cigarettes, he’s been able to stay strong & not light up real cigarettes.

  • Thanks MoMs for your input. Have just read all this to him & he’s really keen to follow though with it. Will keep you updated

  • My chain smoking Nana (pack of 30s a day) had hypnotherapy on in June and after 50 years of smoking had been completely smoke free since! You need to go in with an open mind with the assumption that it WILL work in order to get a positive result!
    Good luck

  • I tried hypnotherapy for insomnia and it didn’t work.

  • I have heard a few stories of people who swear by this technique. I would love to know if it works because I have a friend who is desperate to give up. Please let us know if he does try it and how it goes, as I would be very interested to know. I have had relaxation hypnotherapy many years ago and found it good.

  • My husband has tried many, many things to give up (another not hypnotherapy as yet) but still smoking.. Would be interested to know how he goes

  • My husband is looking into the same!! By reading the comments it seems fairly successful

  • A friend of a friend did this, worked for a while. I guess everyone is different and if he’s determined then why not.

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