
Have you ever renovated an old house that has required asbestos removal? We have asbestos in our house, but figure keeping it in situ, painted and safe is better than renovating with young kids at home. This is even though we would use professional asbestos removalists. What’s your opinion on asbestos removal vs keeping things safely covered. For us renovation would be nice, but not something we want to rush with young family at home.

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  • I would definitely get a professional in to do it for health concerns.

  • By law your neighbours are also supposed to be notified that you are going to removed asbestos – and when you are having it done. It has to be done by a professionaL – NOT DIY.

  • I think so long as you have the right certified professionals in place, it should be fine. But you can also take extra precautions like having your kids away while the removal is in place and perhaps for a day afterwards to make sure there is no risk of them breathing anything in.

  • no but i would get a professional and not touch it but that is me.

  • I would suggest going with the safest option and one that works best for your family.

  • We are in the process of renovating a home which contains asbestos now. We are thinking along the same lines as you….if it is not necessary to disturb it we wont. Although we have just removed 2 walls which contained asbestos we just made sure the kids were out of the house for the weekend and we cleaned up extremely well afterwards. I don’t see it as a huge problem as long as you take the proper safety precautions such as safety suits etc or use a reputable company the risk is minimal really. Goodluck

  • Vinyl is a common hidden source of asbestos people often miss. So glad you found out first!!

  • We wanted to renovate our floors from old vinyl which was really old to wooden and were told to get the vinyl checked before ripping up so glad we did it had white asbestos in it so very went over it instead but we also had it on the shed out the back so we had removed as it was flaking badly and tht is dangerous. So it just depends on where it is and how bad of condition its in.

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