
Does anyone get tension/ stress headaches? Ang tips, I’ve always had them and daily mild but the bad ones are getting more frequent. Regularly go to physio , dry needling eg. Help ????

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  • I would definitely see your gp first just to make sure there’s nothing else going on but after that there are a few things that might help like essential oils, same-e or other natural supplements, massaging between the thumb and forefinger, meditation or sometimes even caffeine can help.

  • Me too and I hate popping pills so I need to be REALLY bad to take one. I have found a Bundy and Coke often relieve mine

  • I get severe headaches and migraines for years. It is best to seek medical advise from your GP. It can be related to your neck or back needing a chiro

  • I suggest you see your Dr as I was having constant headaches the Dr decided to do a CT scan on my Brain to check what was going on.

  • I have scoliosis which affects the frequency of headaches for me, I feel your pain. I’ll be reading through these tips

  • I have suffered chronic stress headaches from my neck and shoulders. I had Botox injected into my trapeze muscles and it has been a life changer. It’s not for everyone and it’s not cheap but definitely worth trying.

  • Lots of rest, ice pack and hot shower worked for me !

  • I find that sometimes a pinched nerve or sleeping oddly can cause my neck or shoulder to be a bit out and this can sometimes fell like tension headache too.

  • You could try rubbing lavender oil on your temples. This is supposed to relax you. I used to get migraines but hardly get them anymore thankfully and my Dr told me as soon as I realise I’m getting one to take 3 Asprin. It works for me. Haven’t had a migraine in 2 yrs by following this method. Also try meditating and listening to soothing music. Drink heaps of water as well.

  • Also try Yoga or meditation. this helps alot

  • we got a new mattress, helped me immensely.

  • Yes I was having bad headaches and they did scans found out it was a blood clot in my brain vein
    Now I am all better but had to go on Blood thinner medication for a while

  • Hormones can be a cause too. My mum had severe migraines up till her menopause and was prescribeddaily Dixarit. After her menopause the migraines were gone for good

  • I agree with comments about getting eyes checked, it can indeed be the cause of headaches. Also, make sure regular eye checks occur.

  • i know its sound weird. But first ting is go to the toilet daily. if its hard drink plenty of water in the morning before having anything. It will make bowel movements. It actually help you. Someone told me to do this and i did it helped

  • I drink plenty of water and meditate and try to avoid triggers.
    I stay well nourished and take time for breaks and relax times.
    These strategies have helped with the relief of tension headaches.
    Good luck!

  • Thanks everyone! Definitely due to get my eyes tested again so will book that in

  • Unfortunately I’m a lifelong migraine gal. I can’t avoid them, they seem to occur every few months. Best way I manage is if I feel them coming to take aspirin (med hubby recommends this), heat pack, and if I’m able to have a long shower or bath.
    I would recommend seeing your GP if you haven’t already if they are getting so frequent and you know you’re eating and hydrating properly.

  • Dehydration can be a factor so make sure you are drinking enough water.

  • I have found since eating my rock salt in my diet the headaches and migraines are a little less. I don’t eat a lot of salt and a friend told me I could be lacking in salt so I have been doing this for over a week now and I haven’t had once since. Could this be something you could consider?

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