
I’m struggling, can anyone offer suggestions on how they coped?


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  • Oh, I should put you in touch with my daughter, she has the same issues, only minus the pregnancy

  • You can try and sort it yourself. Talk to yourself about why you’re freaking out or why your OCD is kicking in. Reasonwith yourself as to why you shouldn’t go feeing this way. If you can’t get on top of things yourself, seek professional help

  • Seek help, GP and psychologist! Keep active everyday and a healthy balanced diet. Try to remove or limit the triggers and communication with family and friends is important. Surround yourself with supportive people who understand what you are going through. Goodluck it’s not easy

  • I didn’t cope well at all myself, and my then husband wasn’t very supportive. With my 3rd child I was on medication and it didn’t really help. It was a real struggle, but I got through it. With my 3rd I had no choice but to go out and do things as I didn’t have a partner to help, and I did my best to eliminate as much stress as I could. I spelt when baby did (sleep was my favourite thing ever) and watched TV while glued to the couch for hours breastfeeding. Not having someone there fighting with me or judging me made it so much easier than with my frist 2.

  • It’s a tough time because you’re also dealing with a new baby as well as worries and compulsive thoughts/behaviour. It’s also pretty normal http://ocd.about.com/od/typesofocd/a/postpartum_OCD.htm
    If you’re not getting extra support, get some. Get family or friends to help with cleaning or meals even just every now and then. Maybe even go to a gp and get a health plan to see a counsellor or psychologist.
    Be kind to yourself, it’s easy to compare to other parents who aren’t struggling with the added anxiety and ocd. But be kind to yourself. You’re still doing a great job of looking after baby!

  • Mind over matter mostly! Think positive, get active even if for 15mins a day! Try not to over analyse things. Xxx

  • I struggled to cope with these things and due to not seeking help suffered for nearly 2 years after bubs so definetly seek out professional advise as they are great with helping your mental health and assisting with coping.

  • You really need to talk to someone qualified. Can your doctor refer you? As you should be entitled to at least 6 sessions under the mental health act for free.

  • The first thing to do is give yourself some credit for coping as well as you are. It’s not easy to deal with anxiety, and it’s harder when you are taking care of a baby.

    The next thing to do is see your GP. Ask for a referral to a psychologist and ask the GP for a Mental Health Care Plan. This allows you to claim 80% of the cost of the psychologist from medicare. And some psychologists will bulk bill if you have this form.

    It’s really important to have professional help during this time. It’s hard to start, but once you get through the first appointment, you will feel a lot better.

    I used progressive muscle relaxation daily to reduce the anxiety. Also guided meditation or guided visualisation helped me to relax at the start and end of day, which were the worst for me. There are some guided meditations etc on youtube. Essentially, someone talks you through the relaxation process so you don’t have to do it on your own. It takes two weeks of daily practice to see results, but keep up with it and you may be surprised at how much you improve.

    Remember to do things for yourself each day. Have a shower, go for a walk, eat something. You may like to join a support group online if you would like to find others experiencing the same things.

    It is manageable, but you need some help and support to get through it. Good luck.

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