
I’m currently still working full time – at 30 weeks pregnant and I’m finding it harder and harder to stay focused at work. I am still due to work for another 6 weeks and was hoping for some tips on how to stay productive? :)

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  • Dont lose sight that this is a special time. That youre not superhuman. Take a sick day if needed. Ask for a ten minute break. Take an extra snack.

  • Just tick each day off, and set yourself mini goals – I am in the same boat but for different reasons – moving interstate. I am struggling this week, but just go on my lists xxx

  • It’s amazing what you can do when you have to

  • so you have probably had bub now lol

  • I really feel for you, it gets quite difficult toward the end and those pesky hormones ensure your mind always seems to be on the baby growing inside you. Just do the best you can and don’t be too hard on yourself, once you have your little one in your arms you really won’t be bothered about work anymore.

  • Last week! I’ve made it hahaha – These last few days will be the longest though no doubt..
    37 weeks tomorrow & looking forward to a little rest before bub decides to enter the world :)

  • You poor thing i really do feel for you, i dont think there is much you can really do.
    You dont mention what you job is but maybe just trying to space your work load out more during the day so you dont have any big gaps of doing nothing during the day.

  • I took a multivitamin that is safe to use whilst pregnant called Mum’s Rescue…it’s now called Mum’s Multi by Caruso’s natural health.
    It gave me the energy boost I needed throughout the dad and replaces the nutrients that us hard working mum’s don’t think we lose but do.
    But keep in mind your body is working overtime and sometimes when it’s time to rest your body is telling you, it’s up to you if you listen

  • I just thought of the good times ahead, I know it’s hard to stay focused, you’ll do it.

  • lol I’m 23 weeks and already counting down till I leave in week 34 as my desk job is also boring and unfortunately I am unable to leave my desk when ever I like. Good luck getting through the next 33 days!

  • Thanks for the tips :)
    I’ll definitely make habit of getting out for some fresh air whenever I feel I’m struggling to focus, 33 more days of work lol, but who’s counting? hehe

  • I was an office worker when pregnant with no. 1. I really struggled with tiredness toward the end due to being unable to leave my cubicle (staff wrapped me in cotton wool as it was in mining). But I found that being able to even stick my head out for five minutes fresh air helped With no. 2 I was a council worker and although I tired easily I found I coped easier as I will still very active til the end (I finished Saturday, bubs came 3 weeks early on the Tuesday – labour started Monday)

  • Thanks Ladies – I work in an office so the days seem to drag rightttt out, even when work is busy, I find myself staring at the clock – I get agitated sitting for long periods of time, but due to the small office, there’s not much room to walk around.. The terrible weather doesn’t help either cause I can’t even go for a walk on my break..

  • Depends on your type of job ,everyone one is different I worked until 36 with my first I had a very physical job so the days went fast but I remember counting down , the hard part I remember in the end was getting out of bed to start at 6am :(

  • Every woman & every pregnancy is different, your specific role & duties will also make a difference to how you cope. I owned a cafe and worked on my feet all day up to 37 weeks for my first pregnancy, it worked for me whereas sitting at a desk would have been intolerable. Take care of your self, eat well, stay hydrated & continue to exercise, if you can work from home too!

  • You could organise with your boss to come in a little later so you could get some extra rest or you could ask to go part time so you work less hours and rest more. Or if you have a quiet spot somewhere at work you could have a nanny nap on your break to recharge your batteries. At the last trimester you begin to tire more easily so it’s very hard to continue with full time work.

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