
My 9yo daughter’s hair smells. I’m personally not in favour of all the unpronounceables in shampoo and would like a natural answer. She washes it once/week. (As do the other members of this family) and brushes it with a bit of Tea Tree Oil & water or Lavender oil & water or a natural detangling spray. But by the end of the day it smells. Natural solutions only please!

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  • Well… maybe change your outlook?

  • This seems really unusual. What environment is she in? You may need to try to work out what is causing it to smell.

  • Personally I don’t think increasing the times you wash the hair would help. I would suggest bicarb as well and would rinse it with vinegar and you could add some drops of essential oil to the vinegar to give it a nice smell. Airing the hair is good too, have it loose in the night and don’t tie it up when damp.

  • I like to use a dry shampoo as it keeps the hair clean and smelling nice in between washes. If you not a fan of the chemicals in dry shampoos I found baby powder does the same job. It soaks up excess oil and keeps it smelling nice.

  • The carb soda sounds a good idea. sometimes add a little viegar and syrained lemon juice in the rinsing water via a large jug.

  • When your daughter pours shampoo into one hand to wash her hair, get her to add a heaped teaspoon of Carb Soda and then wash and rinse as usual.

  • I’d be washing it every second day and using a leave in condition.
    The herbal essense one from the supermarket, in a white bottle, called naked

  • I can’t add any more than what the other MoMs have already suggested.

  • I would increase washing every second day or you can buy instant shampoo in a can if that is easier.There are also hair mists on the market.Good Luck!

  • My Daughters hair smells if i pull it back to the lower neck area and not to the top or sides of her head due to doing so much running around and sweeting during the day… During the night i let it hang loose while sleeping. I also wash her hair twice a week.. Once on tuesdays and once on fridays after swimming lessons..

  • What does the rest of the family’s hair smell like? It might not be what your using it might be her hormones are changing her “smell” My 6yr old still has sweet smelling hair whereas my 12yr old’s hair smells by the next day.

  • I would suggest washing her hair at least twice a week

  • I would suggest washing more then once a week. And what do you wash it with? Would you consider a tea tree oil shampoo or goats milk shampoo?

  • I wonder what you do use when you do wash the hair? Even if it is just rainwater I expect some fine hair/oily scalp types might need washing more often than once a week since they pick up and hold pollutants creating a smell. I’ve heard of vinegar being used (probably for headlice protection) and a small amount might help remove any oil/dirt build up on the scalp that might be causing the smell you don’t like. Perhaps see a tricologist if the problem persists (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2014492/Have-got-Smelly-Hair-Syndrome.html) since it could be fungal in the hair (especially if it smells right away after washing) and need treatment to remove fungus.

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