
I never have time for me. Look after the kids, run the household and work full time.

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  • Having a full-time job, managing the household and raising kids leaves little time for yourself. You can teach your kid some easy chores like putting away the toys in the storage. The husband should also help out in the household. We haven’t had kids yet, but I do tell my husband to look after the pup while I relax in a different room without any interruptions.

  • I rarely do. Only at night once kids are asleep. I love to so more exercise though but I can never get kids free time to do something more than walking.

  • When do you have a day off? If thats on weekend, maybe you can try to drop the kids at their grandma or maybe your husband can stay at home looking after them while you take a night or two at the hotel somewhere and pamper yourself. Or even do something that you wanna do for that you postponed.

  • I like to zone out at the end of the day once the kids are in bed with a netflix show

  • Can be so hard with the work/life/kids balance. even if you do little things like put on a face mask,(feel like im doing a little something for me) sit back and enjoy a coffee if there is that rare moment the kids are actually enjoying playing together. (i find the older my kids are getting i seem to get a few more of these little opportunities) When it comes to those weekend kids parties etc, if you can ‘share’ those time ie your partner takes the kids to one so you can have a little downtime…
    if there was a chance maybe once every couple months take an annual leave day and book yourself in a hair appt etc.. something to looks forward to

  • I don’t manage to either. (I am a SAHM).

  • I take time out in my garden
    Me and my little one
    I don’t do much gardening haha
    More just sitting and watching my young one explore
    Kids are fascinating to watch

  • My husband works away so this is so tricky for me. After my little one has gone to sleep for the night I give myself 5 minutes to just sit and do nothing. I really need to work on implementing other things.

  • Sometimes when picking up the kids I’ll get there 15 min early and have some alone quiet time in the car until they come charging out of school. I know electronic devices aren’t good, but I use them strategically to give me some quiet time. Finally I have two other parents I have a deal with, we organise play dates for the kids, so the other parent can have some child free time.

  • I make sure to go for a walk daily when my partner is at home. Although I do this when the kids nap of an afternoon, its so I can be on my own and clear my head. Then of a night once the kids go down, I make sure to do something for me before anything else

  • I find this extremely hard to do but I do try. My parents take my daughter once a week for a sleep over and it allows me one night of peaceful sleep and and un interrupted meal. It’s not much but this works so well for me to recharge and have some down time.

  • It’s hard, sometimes you just take what you can get and if you have supports – try to schedule some time in. i find it easier now that mine are 8 and 12 but you need to start working out what ‘me time’ consists of because sometimes we try to have that time but don’t know what to do with it and so still don’t get that time.

  • I don’t. My husband works a lot so I rarely get time for myself. My kids will pick up a 3rd day of daycare soon, and I’ll use that day for myself until I work the extra day!

  • Never get time for myself. All day is gone doing chores and taking care of kids. Only me time is on the mobile phone when kids are asleep. Too tired to do anything else then

  • It’s tough. I used to enjoy some me time after the kids were in bed. I also used to get up before everyone, I loved that first peaceful coffee of the day….reading a book, magazine sitting outside

  • I was really bad at making time for myself last year and I really felt it towards the end of the year. This year I have made a decision to make sure I take my lunch breaks at work and go out for a walk as it always makes me feel less stress. I am also hoping to adjust my daughters weekend swim to a late afternoon to allow us more time on weekends.

  • By scheduling in time for hobbies and activities they become a part of a balanced life. Good luck!

  • I have always found the best way to engage in hobbies and activities is to have a schedule.

  • getting up a tiny bit earlier than the rest of the family to squeeze in reading a few pages of a book and hopefully half a cup of coffee.

  • Constant struggle. And I only work part time (4 days). I’ve been savouring my lunch break. I love going somewhere to eat on my own. Quiet cafe where I talk to NO ONE! Sometimes it’s a drive in the car listening to a podcast in peace. Sometimes it’s getting hubby to leave me at the house on my own to clean, it’s the peace and quiet I crave! Overall though, I find I need to be insistent on carving time out and sometimes I am the enemy in this scenario (mum guilt anyone). It’s not in our DNA to be selfish when you’re a mum but I’ve been trying to reframe it in my head. If I don’t have time to myself, I’m no good to anyone. If you have a partner, discuss with them what you need and start with an hour or two on the weekend where you can do whatever YOU want. Nap even! If you’re a single mum, is there someone who can have your child/ren for an hour or two with the same idea? I also find I may even stay up a little later than I should just to have some time to myself but I also think…the cleaning/washing/whatever can wait, and it can! Good luck. It’s not easy.

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