Posted anonymously, 10th June 2020
5 Reply
Baby is 8 months
Follow the steps of a dark room, swaddle or sleep suit and slowly ease them into it. Consistency is key! A sleepy baby will also make it quicker
Swaddle your baby ready for sleep,With your other hand firmly pat your baby’s back or bottom in a firm and rhythmic motion.
I would recommend a sleep school. I found it so helpful and supportive, which lots of real advise based on you and your baby
Sleep train. Put her down when she is super tired but not fully asleep and slowly help her learn to sleep on her own
My 8 month old still breastfeeds to sleep, Im just enjoying the cuddles until he’s to big enough to feed to sleep
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- 30 Jun 2020
shanika said
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- 13 Jun 2020
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