
I would love to know if you give a gift from you and a gift from Santa or does everything come from Santa? I have always put from Santa but recently in my friend group it has been bought up and discussion had around one gift should be from you and one from Santa. I would love to hear some feedback on what you do in your house?

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  • One or a few little gifts from “Santa” and the rest from mum and dad. Breaks my heart thinking kids go to school and got a laptop from Santa while others got a pair of socks.

  • My kids wrote letters to Santa with their wish lists, we got as much as we could from Santa from those lists. Big ticket items were definitely from us

  • This was our first year where both kids understood Santa. We decided the big ticket item was from us and Santa got them small things

  • Every family is different and we all have our own way of doing things, and this is why I think there isn’t a right or wrong answer on this question. Just do what is right for your family and don’t worry about what others are doing 🙂

  • This varies depending on your family’s culture and habits. I think just one gift is enough.

  • Two gifts from Santa and rest from us. We try not to make it expensive.

  • i just one to teach how precious that gift. personally i feel that if there are more gifts then they tend to no appreciate it.

  • One or two gifts from Santa. The rest from us.

  • Santa brings one medium gift, the rest are from the parents.

  • We spend about $200 pp. We never made the division between gifts from Santa and gifts from us as parents

  • Every family is different and we always keep Christmas low key and there is no going overboard with gifts.

  • We give our kids presents from Father Christmas and from us. Each family only needs to do whatever they feel comfortable with.

  • Santa for the big gifts and parents for the stocking stuffers.

  • I never followed that rule as such. Only our youngest still believes in Santa and she has a developmental delay. I always told my kids that Saint Nicholas is a man that truly lived, a generous man with a heart for the poor and that with Christmas we live in his spirit…so Santa is kind of real

  • i personally do one every year. this will keep them exciting and keep the toy or the gift carefully.

  • We do a big present from mum and Dad, moderate gift from each sibling and parent, and half a dozen small (under $5) gifts in a stocking from santa.

  • This is our baby’s first Christmas and I actually brought this topic up to my husband recently. He had never heard of presents being from the parents, not Santa. We decided to address them all from Santa. He will get gifts from us on his birthday and treats and necessities from us throughout the year, there’s no harm in letting the joy of Christmas and santa be centre stage one day of the year.
    I plan on having a Christmas eve tradition with him when he’s a little older that will be a gift from us. Some fresh new jammies while we watch a Christmas movie as a family.
    As for number if pressies, I decided to get a few extra to use as he reaches his milestones over the next few months. There’s only so much you can give a 2month old that he can actually use and may as well get some things while they are on sale. I’ve purchased some present sacks to cut down on unnecessary waste, so it won’t look like a huge pile.

  • Only one from grandparents and one from Santa. They got so much stuff and it’s getting out of control otherwise.

  • I only buy for the Grandkids now otherwise its just too much

  • We give one big present from mum & dad, and other gifts from “Santa.” Our tradition includes something they want, something they need, something to read, something to wear, something they want but don’t know yet, and other surprises.

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