
I am wondering how much do you spend on each child for Christmas?

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  • About $50 each for one big present, $10-20 per present for four smaller presents, and about $20 for a small Santa stocking.

  • I don’t usually put a $ amount on it. I try and buy the same value for both the kids, but as they are different ages, their wants and needs are different as well.
    I just try to make sure they get what they want and roughly have the same amount of presents so there are no fights.

  • I think it is better to buy what is suited to the child more. For example , a child who loves reading would benefit more from a book than a toy. With children , when they are very young , you can buy something nice for $20-30, where as when they are older , they seem to want Iphones , Ipads all the expensive items that technology comes with .

  • I have one child and usually do not spend more than $50.00. She gets so many gifts and vouchers from other family members, that I do not want to add too much more to what she already receives.

  • We just go on each child. We try and do 1 present from Santa, 1 from their siblings, 1 from mum and dad and a joint present. We have 4 kids so this is working out for us =) We also doing a stocking of bits and pieces =)

  • I only have a 2 near 2 year old for his first christmas It was near $300 now for this Christmas possibly around the $200 mark. I don’t think it really matters how much more of the value of things. I could go to a sale and get $500 worth for $300.

  • It increased as they aged and we only have 2, so it’s easier to spend a little more on each of them. In your situation, it all depends on your finances, how many kids you gave and how old they are. Only you can answer this question

  • I went overboard with my first son and his first christmas, I now have a limit of one to two big thing each and then about 5-6 medium priced things, 8-9 small priced items and then 10-15 cheaply things. All up probably about 300-500 a child. :) they are only kids once. :)

  • I spent about $200~$300 since I got one kid only.

  • I have 5 children. I spend anywhere from $500 to $1000 on each. We have the money, none goes on credit. I love Xmas and love presents and a sea of them every year. They also give to the wishing tree and salvos so know there is needy kids out there.

  • My little one still young so he only want Christmas present ( new bike) about $ 100.

  • I have three children and I spend $100 on each of them. I stick to the four present rule:
    1. Something they need
    2. Something they want
    3. Some thing to read
    4. Something to wear
    If I have money left over, I will buy little things like hair accessories to put in their stockings. I never go over my budget, it is fun shopping this way and ensures they all get some lovely things. I intend on doing this always, even when they are teenagers and can choose what they want, although the budget may have to go higher then!

  • Around 100-150 dollars. But I’ve just got one child. If I had more, I would probably spend less.

  • every year is different depending on what they are into and what they need at that time.

  • I feel my children play one parent off the other as I am a single parent. my son has requested and ipod 5 so my daughter gets the same value; way to much and I cannot afford it… where has the spirit of Christmas gone !!!

  • It depends what they ask for (we usually ask them for some ideas) If they are little enough to understand the concept only of Santa we might ask is there anything they would like, especially if what they ask for is not an option for one reason or another. One excuse is that Santa may not manage to make enough of what they ask for and may run out before he gets to us……or he might leave it at the wrong house. (Mum’s big present “went next door” one year and had to be retrieved).
    Having said that we have never gone into debt buying presents at any time. We have never used Credit Cards. I have used Layby a couple of times for bulky items – saves having to hide things where they can’t be found for as long as possible. I have also done with a birthday present that I bought during toy sale. The birthday was near Christmas so it worked quite well.

  • We don’t really have a set price. We buy them one joint gift like a swing set or trampoline and then they get the similar gifts. We make sure they have the same amount to open. I would think that we spend about $200 each on them. In saying that we really only buy what they need and 1-2 things that they want from Santa. If there is anything else, I tend to give these ideas to other family members.

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