
I’m interested to know how often other couples are having sex – especially those with young children. I imagine it varies widly, and I certainly don’t think there is a right or a wrong amount, but it’s just interesting to know what others are doing, as I think we all wonder at times how our lives compare to others, but are afraid to ask!

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  • Well seems to get less and less these days but hey I am now at a age where I prefer a simple hug

  • It all depends on what else I see happening in our lives at the time. I guess 3-4 times a week is our average, but often is more or less

  • Ours varies from week to week. Depending on energy levels and private time. You’re right, there’s no wrong or right number, whatever works for you guys

  • Couple of times a week, sometimes more sometimes less, depending on what’s happening in our lives at the time. Sometimes things get too busy or there’s too much stress, sex can take a back seat then.

  • About three times per week, it varies, maybe up to five times! It depends on when he wants it as he is the instigator as I cannot be bothered as I am menopausal.

  • 3 times a week, I usually iniate it whether I feel like it or not. I have 4 children and if he waited for me, he would be waiting for ever.

  • Almost every day,

  • For three weeks of the mnth (for reasons us girls understand) its everyday sometimes twice and for that other week its \”other\” fun lol we have 3 kids at home 7,3 and 1 yrs old

  • We have a 2.5year old and a 10month old. We haven’t had sex since just after the 10month old was conceived so over a year and a half? I always got sick of intimating it and told him to, well he hasn’t so we don’t…

  • I have a 7 month old, and we run a busy food business but we pretty much have sex everyday even if we are tired we make sure we do it as we both have high sex drives and it is a good stress relief plus we sleep so peacefully after lol! I love our sex life :)

  • We have a nearly 4 yr old and have just started trying for number 2! Our see life has been the same from day 1 – every day if not twice to 3 times a day. We both have very high sex drives and both enjoy it a lot. I think we’re both lucky as I know many people go weeks, sometimes months without it.

  • We tried to have it atleast once a day but my hubby is telling me he needs twice or three times a day to take out the frustration…. And be able to relax but there would be time that we’d go without for 3 days, reason? We’re tired or I am avoiding him due to I am feeling unloved or taken for granted… Just woman feeling emo.

  • If we are lucky once every couple of months. With a hubby who works away and three kids age 5y, 6y and 7y there is no time. When daddy is home the kids want to sleep in our bed and be near him as much as possible so I usually get left out.

  • We have a 5 yr old and we are trying for another one but the only day we have sex is day 14 of ovulation, my partner has a very low libido and works away a lot, but when he is home I’m the one to initiate he dosnt and I hate it so generally I go with out it dosnt bother him.

  • With two kiddies in the room next door and a dog that refuses to sleep anywhere but between us maybe once a month…. But hubby works odd hours being a chef and I tend to go to bed early as I’m up early with the kids :-/

  • With a 8 month old I consider once a week to be doing well. Can be once a month. It’s so hard breastfeeding, my libido goes out the window!

  • My husband works away in the mines for 6 out of 12 months a year so you would think that when he was home we would be at it flat out but the truth is we aren’t!!! We went 18 months without having sex during my last pregnancy (daughter now 12 months old) because he didn’t want to do it during my pregnancy as it was ‘awkward’! I think i got sick of always being the one to initiate things and getting nothing back in return so i backed right off and now we are at the point of me not starting and he is almost a joke with the whole situation… Having 5 kids between us doesn’t help but he uses that as an excuse sometimes and that he is exhausted from work!! Now we may have sex about twice a month… Not even close to enough!

  • Anywhere from once a week to 3 times a day. Depends on how I feel, hubby would have it all day everyday if it was up to him. Lol.

  • every night sorry ladies. except for when i get a visitor (every lady should now which one i mean) (or if boys are not well )

    but when i was breast feeding none as i kept losing my milk.
    My boys are now older 8 and 10 yr of age.

    some times it may not be full it may just be the touching type but have to admit i have a really good bedroom life.

  • have two kids ..so we barely make it to once a week …

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