
What would you do..
You love the man, but he is about as mature as a teenage boy. He is either 4 hours late to everything or just doesn’t show up. He doesn’t answer his phone. He disappears for days on end.
But love is making you hold out in hope that he will snap out of it.

How do I end the relationship?

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  • Just pack your stuff and leave!
    As hard as that may seem I wasted 7 years of my life doing this exact same thing until I just couldn’t do it anymore. It was easier to just cut the cord than keep on living wishfully.

  • Just rip the band aid off and come straight out with it. It’s easier in the long run

  • When you love this man you first of all I would absolutely be open to him and explain to him you can’t continue the relationship when he continues this behaviour,
    You could give him another chance by setting a time in which he can show different behaviour, when not quit it !

  • Be honest and up front. Don’t sneak off in the middle of the night without saying anything

  • Communicate your feelings to him, if that doesn’t work perhaps consider counselling.

  • If you are happy to accept him how he is, than dont end it.
    But if you are unable to accept these things, then deep down you already know.
    Just be honest and tell him the truth. Thats all you can do.
    Good luck

  • Unfortunately I don’t believe he will change and it’s probably best to be honest with him and tell him that you love him but have needs that are not being met and it’s best if you each go your separate ways.

  • Why don’t you just treat him as a casual friend then . I don’t see why a friendship should end if you want more and he cant give it to you then treat him as casual . If he disappears on end that to me is a casual way of seeing things . That way you both have no expectations and you are free to move on if you choose . Discuss this with him and see what he says .

  • When he does one of his disappearing acts, pack your stuff and leave! Being late or not turning up to things is bad enough, but disappearing for days at a time is unacceptable! Sometimes, love just isn’t enough!

  • Sounds like you know it’s over. Just tell him. He sounds rather self-centred and selfish – all take and no give. You deserve better than that!

  • That doesn’t really sound like there is much of a relationship still going.
    I think it’s time to have a chat and go your separate ways

  • Honesty!! If you cant tell him how you are feeling it doesnt bode well for the future! Good luck

  • Talk to him about everything that concerns you and if he continues his behaviour,say good-bye.

  • yes i will add that when you are in love, you don’t want to spend a minute away from each other. Spare yourself the long time heartache.

  • You must be honest and tell him face-to-face. He will never change! Wish him well and move on. You sound like you know what you are looking for and you deserve a man who is in the relationship to work together. Please do not wait for this guy to grow up. There is a real man out there for you and you will love again. And you will have someone who respects you and will keep dates and time! Say bye bye!

  • I second all the other comments.. seems like he doesn’t care what you’re feeling.

  • This man is totally selfish and shows no consideration for you at all. Are you sure that he is not trying to end the relationship?
    Stop being taken for granted and bid him farewell.
    You deserve better!

  • This happened with my ex.
    We ended up separating on mutual grounds.
    It was the best thing to do.

  • if you can, sit down with him & tell him how you feel, if you have a hard time saying what you need to say, write it down on a piece of paper, make sure you put it nicely, give it to him, ask him to read it while you go for a walk, then sit down & discuss how you both feel & if the relationship is worth saving. It does seem to me that this guy doesn’t really want to be in any relationship, but i think you need to hear that, as it already seems he has shown you that he isn’t.

  • I would suggest to him that you feel like you are been torn apart by his lack of commitment. And say you need to have a more mature relationship that is fully commited to eachother first before other things in life,with you if he wants it to last. Be gentle but honest. You deserve so much better treatment. Goodluck….

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