
How do I teach my toddler to behave a better manner and not react to situations so badly. Is there a better way to teach them? I would kindly love some help as my child and I need some ideas for behaviour. Thanks in advance!

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  • Can you describe what type of situations your toddler struggles with and how he behaves and how your current response is ?

  • Just remember you aren’t alone – although it feels like it when your kid is the one having a tantrum in a crowded space! There are so many parents out there dealing with that too. Just stay calm, talk to them and like everything, it’s all a big learning curve for them and for you, so just take it day by day, you’ll get there x

  • Stay calm and be consistent. Toddlers are learning and it takes a lot of patience. It also takes many years for a child to learn how to manage and regulate emotions as well as to learn social etiquettes. Our job is to keep them safe and model what we expect from them through our own conduct.

  • My nearly 3 year old son is the same! If he doesn’t get his own way he yells or hits or throws things at you! I try and calmly tell him not to do what he’s doing and I stand my ground on my answer so he doesn’t think his bad behaviour is going to get him what he wants. I also try and distract him onto something else to make him forget about what he was wanting.

  • Communication is so important. We always have a discussion (as long as they can contribute) about decision making and in particular making good choices.

  • They are learning and testing boundaries at that age so calm and consistent is all you can do.

  • There is a meme going around at the moment that says “parenting hack: there is none. This is your life now. Godspeed”.

    So yeah. That. Sorry.

  • Your not alone. For one this can be a phase they go through which is normal. But yes there are types of things you can do. Simply Google – Toddler behaviour problems ,The Baby Centre. They have 11 toddler behaviour problems with solutions for you to view. Good luck!

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