
Hi. I was wondering how all the stay at home mums out there make some extra money? Coming up to Christmas I was wondering if there were some ways I could make money while staying at home to take care of the kids. What do other mums do? Thanks in advance.

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  • I do online surveys to make some spare cash. Easy to do at night or when kids are asleep during the day and it adds up quickly

  • Take in laundry or ironing. Party plan things. Being an Avon rep. Offering baby sitting service

  • Don’t do avon it’s just a waste of money. Online surveys are good

  • A friend of mine sells excess plants and cuttings from her garden on gumtree and can make a few hundred dollars a month. If you grow yukkas and agaves you can sell them for $10’each which is way below the price at garden centres and they are plants that just keep on providing pups for future sales. You can sell them bare rooted and dig them up when people come to buy which means no mess in the garden and you don’t have to buy plant pots or soil either. It’s also a good way of getting children in to the garden to burn off some energy!

  • these are great ideas. times are tough so any little extra bonus is so much appreciated

  • I’ve been looking into this recently also… Was thinking maybe typing or data input but not sure where to find those jobs. Like some of the other ladies I declutter quite a bit and sell the nicer things on gumtree for some extra cash for the kids.

  • On line surveys. An easy way to get some extra money.

  • Buy a spray tanning machine (you can get them for around $150) and invite your friends to bring friends for a tanning party.You can make some good cash at $20-$30 per tan especially in summer and you can do it all from home.

  • I’m searching also ,hard times fir some of us ,all I could think of was visit opp shops &the have Xmas cups ,clean &fill with treats .

  • I make pin money by selling items on various facebook pages. It can be a little painful sometimes as people are unreliable but if you have second hand items especially childrens clothes and unused toy – unwanted presents you should find yourself with a little bit of extra money at the end of the day

  • It’s a good time to have a clean out of good quality toys that your child/ren have grown out of and also clothes etc and look at local Buy Swap Sell sites on Facebook to sell these items I have certainly sold a lot of items in the last 12 months and it’s a great way of decluttering before Christmas to.

  • I am an Independent Consultant with Arbonne International. Botanically based, safe, pure, beneficial skin care, cosmetics, baby care, weight management system. No chemicals, no nasties. A 35 year old company, great incentives to strive for not just money!

  • Natural products, I would rather buy them off a stay at home mum or a single parent than at larger supermarkets.

  • Definately not Avon tried that it cost me money didn’t make a cent

  • Try linking into a local Facebook site for your area and posts items that you no longer need. My kids are moving schools next year and I just sold there second hand school polo tops & a rugby top for $65. The strangest things go quick, around where i live, things go before you put your phone down.

  • I go around and see what hasnt been used in the last month and toss up whether or not i or the kids still need it. If the answer in no i sell it. Facebook has some great garage sale pages

  • Try market research they pay you for your time

  • Online surveys r a good quick easy additional income tax free bonus ;)

  • What a great question, I use gumtree and handmade a few things that I then sell

  • I used to sell stuff on gumtree, or local facebook pages, have also done mystery shopping, survey sites, all of which only pay little but better then nothing. I don’t have any big money making ideas sorry. I’m looking for one myself ;)

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