
Hey all, I need some help with getting my toddler boy to stop grabbing onto my breast. He hasn’t been breastfed since he was 4 months old (not by choice). He has never done this before, but now it’s just unbelievable. I tell him no in a stern voice and move his hands away, I’ve given him a light tap on the hand also. I just don’t know what to do now. Thanks for listening and hope somebody can help out. xo

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  • I just kept removing my son’s hand as soon as he touched me – he did get the message eventually.

  • A very interesting question and comments.

  • I think in this kind of situation you have to keep calm, the repetitiveness with cleat serving him no purpose makes it seem to me that it’s more of an attention thing.

    Maybe the next time simple hold his hands and say “we don’t touch mummy there. Those aren’t for anyone else to touch”
    From there maybe just calming holding his hands away.
    Eventually when he realises the outcome won’t change, and you react the same all the time, I’m sure he’ll stop, as nothkng is interesting any more lol!

  • My son used to do similar – a bit of a comfort thing but it drove me mad. I would do as you have, remove his hand and tell him you don’t like it.

  • That would be frustrating. I find that if I ignore something like that for a while, they get bored with it. I think they do things because they get a certain reaction from us.

  • My daughter is 20 months old and will occasionally put her hand down my shirt for no apparent reason. She’s not grabbing or anything but it can be a bit embarrassing. I’m happy to leave it for now and will generally ignore it but if it continues I’ll need whatever tips you get.

  • he probably likes getting a reaction from you. either distract him or ignore it. he stop.

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