
Any kind o salad that will travel well.

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  • Coleslaw – cabbage, Carrot, spring onion, Aioli for dressing and a little water, then mix in.
    Potato salad
    Pasta salad
    Caesar salad

    They should all travel well if covered.

  • I always bring or make just a plain salad with lettuce / baby spinach. tomato, cucumber, capsicum, a bit of red onion and feta, no dressing and than a more special one with for example roast beetroot, roast pumpkin and roast garlic on spinach leaves

  • A Mediterranean salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, fetta, olive oil and herbs will keep and tastes delicious.

  • Ottelenghi does a great spiced pumpkin, lime and chilli salad with a yoghurt and tahini dressing. I find that travels well and is delish

  • Caeser salad is always a winner. Dress it when you arrive

  • What about a nice fresh salad with some pearl barley, cucumbers, pomegranate and fetta?

  • Most pasta salads; potato salad; or a caesar salad.

  • I love throwing together lettuce and spinach leaves with sliced carrot, onion, chopped walnuts and crumbled feta. Add some dressing at the last minute!

  • Asian crunchy cabbage salad! delish and easy to make and everyone seems to love it.

  • Mix greens with feta cheese and pine nuts! Yums

  • We’ve been enjoying a nice coleslaw lately with cabbage, carrot, red capsicum, celery, apple and mayonnaise.

  • I would do a garden salad or coleslaw as they are easy to travel with and you can put dressing later once your at the destination.

  • Try some creamy potato salad. Always crowd pleaser at BBQs.

  • Keep it simple and fresh to balance with oily meats. I find adding chopped mint and parsley elevates any plain salad that has tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. may not even need much dressing besides maybe a squeeze of lemon juice and salt and pepper.

  • I like the sound of your egg and celery salad I might try that for tomorrow’s dinner party I am going to. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  • My family favourite is a classic egg and celery salad. Hard boil a dozen eggs, let cool, then peel and slice into quarters. Mix together 1c mayo and 3/4c sour cream, salt/pepper/paprika to taste, and some chopped parsley and chives if you like fresh herbs. Thinly slice 2-3 celery ribs, and 1/2 a cucumber.
    Mix together the eggs, celery and dressing. Serve in a bowl lined with lettuce leaves, and place cucumber slices around the edge of the bowl. Sprinkle the top with some leftover chopped herbs, and serve.
    I’ve never been to a bbq that has had leftovers of this salad

  • You could do a easy salad with lettuce tomatoes chuck cheese pieces cucumber some boiled eggs chopped in half and pieces of celery carrots, so people can just pick what they want and kids can grab a piece of carrot or celery so plenty to choose from the salad.

  • Also with a potato salad, pasta salad and rice salad I like to include a vegetarian option too. It is easy to make and take separate bowls to cater for all dietary needs.

  • Simple and fresh-tomatos basil and mozzarella

  • Thank you for all your wonderful suggestions.

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