
Is it ok for kids to eat yoghurt every day? I thought it was a good source of calcium/dairy, but my husband thinks there is too much sugar in it for them to eat every day. What are other mums thoughts?

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  • Daily yoghurt is fine when it’s sugar free. Greek yogurt is a great option, you can add some fresh fruit if you want or add some cinnamon

  • Totally depends on the yoghurt – some are super low in sugar – some super high. Check the grams per hundred. Having said I’d prefer my child to have a fruit yoghurt over a biscuit (in most cases..) everything in moderation I guess…

  • It depends what yoghurt you buy. Some are very high sugar, but others are lower sugar and fine for kids to eat every day.

  • Depending on the yoghurt. I think your husband is right some have LOTS of sugar. So read the labels

  • When you buy yoghurt with added sugar I understand where your husband is coming from and I agree that it isn’t healthy. We buy plain natural set or greek yoghurt or use kefir, which hasn’t added sugar, I add often cinnamon. Another good calcium source is milk, cheese, broccoli, kale, collard greens, edamame, bok choy, figs, sardines, salmon, white beans, okra, tofu, almonds. So really you don’t have to think just milk, yoghurt or kefir.

  • My 7 month old has yogurt every 2 or so days! she loves it and theres only natural sugars.

  • Full fat yogurt is the way to go. Look on the nutrition ingredients to see how much sugar is in them. Even some of the natural or greek yogurts have a lot of sugar in them.

  • My LO (9 mths) has natural Greek yoghurt everyday but my 5 yr old has it only 3 x a wk (flavoured ones), if that. Check the sugar content etc if concerned and change brands..

  • I give my daughter greek yoghurt with no added sugar.

  • Definitely check the labels on your yogurt, some is very high in sugar. My kids eat yogurt every day, but we make our own.

  • We get around the added sugar in yoghurt be using natural yoghurt as a dip for cut apple. Cant get any other fruits eaten with it by my child, but you could try whatever fruits your children eat.

  • You do need to choose low sugar options. Most of the kid’s yogurts are too high in sugar. Having said that, yogurt is a great source of calcium, protein and probiotics so it is a healthy food. If you mix some fruit through plain yogurt or use plain yogurt in smoothies you can reduce or at least control the amount of sugar in it.

  • I think most health practitioners recommend giving children full-fat, natural yoghurt. I give my 16month old greek yoghurt with some honey stirred through. It’s actually tricky finding full fat yoghurt.

  • Mums are spot on again …read labels and go for low sugar options.

  • Sugar is a definite worry in yoghurt. Especially the fruit ones. If you stick to plain yoghurt, like Greek, and add your own fruit and flavours it would be ideal

  • maybe buy greek yoghurt or plain yoghurt and serve with fruit. we love that on apples so a lot less sugar.

  • It depends which kind you’re buying – choose one with low sugar and it’s an ok everyday food.

  • The flavoured ones are full of sugar unfortunately but if you check the labels you should be able to find some that aren’t as bad as others

  • I think yoghurt is perfectly fine…. if the kid isnt getting any allergies, it should be cool

  • If they love their yoghurt then go for it!

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