
My son is going through a stage that if you say no or move him away from something he can’t be near or simply try to put a show on, he yells and screams. He smacks others, pinches and has been misbehaving in general.
He is 2+ years old. Would this be the terrible two’s I’ve been warned about? Thank you

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  • It very well could be but don’t automatically assume that’s what it is end of story.
    Keep an eye on the behaviour & if it worsens perhaps seek more professional opinions.
    In the mean time, make sure you set boundaries. You are Mum & it is up to you to teach wrong from right. He is going to push your buttons & see how far he can go. He’s a child, all kids do it at some point. Be firm & make sure your son knows this behaviour is naughty & it won’t be tolerated.
    Best of luck.
    Hope there is an improvement for you soon.

  • Most likely yes, could be tired and frustrated and can’t express that to you (hence the screaming), kids at two generally try to test their parents “boundaries”. My daughter behaves like an angel for everyone bar me… 🙁

  • Yes I think that you do have to teach them boundaries, its important!

  • I recently did a course called “circle of security”
    It’s brilliant at teaching you to bond with your child better abs understand why they are chucking tanties

  • Neither of my boys had a terrible two’s – I found that it was more terrible three’s!


  • yes i find to that i have to try to get things like dinner and bath done earlier because when they get tired, it is harder for them to co-operate.

  • Sounds like it but make sure you stay in control. They like to push the boundaries and if you stay in control it will be nipped in the bud in the future

  • Yes it is! It often starts before 2 too! Miss 18 months old has been putting on tantrums for weeks now!

  • Yep welcome to the terrible twos where the kids try to push the boundries. My son use to smash his head into the ground and bite others in the same situation. ( he had selective mutism and wasnt talking at all yet at that age) We were advised to Stay stong and not to give in to him. But if this continues i would mention it to the doctor during the next health check up for him. They might be able to give you some stratagies to help keep him inline. Or check for a health reson that would be causing it.

  • Could be but try not to let it continue and show him who’s boss or it will only get worse

  • It could be the terrible twos. I’m the mum with the threenager lol.
    I find that when I want her to stop playing with something and do something else, things are better if I give a warning, like we’re are going to stop that in one minute etc.
    In regards to touching things they shouldn’t touch, sometimes she has a Tanty , I try and distract her by offering something else to do. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t. If it doesn’t then I say I realise you are feeling angry or frustrated etc and a knowledge her feelings. That often stops her. It is a very trying time while these little buttons are learning to control their emotions. I send you hugs

  • MOM94125, bath time is no issue thankfully! He usually runs and strips then jumps straight in haha. Bedtime is also a breeze now.
    But when it comes to his behavior in general, he’s terrible!
    I guess it’s time to become “mean mummy” and show him who’s boss.

  • Could very well be. Time will tell

  • yep.

    it sure is. If you do something that they don’t agree with or tell them no, that’s it lol. Try to explain what is happening so “it is bath time and we will go do that and then we can come back and play with the toys” sometimes spideman can go for a bath too lol simply because mummy is tired of the arguments. I think that you do have to teach them boundaries but keep it simple and make it seem like they have the choice. Do you want rissoles or macaroni? Do you want your spiderman shirt or the ninja turtle one? They are starting to become so independent at this age and are learning how to resist you and that they can say no lol. There is also the terrible three’s and someone on this site called it “threenager” lol. Four seems to be a lot calmer and they understand more things so fight you less. Try to make things seem fun so if he WILL NOT get in the bath, distract him. ‘Hey let’s put bubbles into the water” and then he cheers up and you can ask him to get in. This stage tests your patience and teaches you how to negotiate! lol

  • Sorry – I forgot to mention – another friend of mine thought her daughter was being very naughty but later found out she had been quite unwell which was contributing to the behaviour

  • I’m yet to experience this but I have heard ‘no’ is a trigger and to try and avoid using it. Ie instead of no, don’t touch that – say come let’s play over here. My daughter is heading towards 2 and seems to get aggressive towards us when she is tired. My friend’s daughter used to go and stand in the ‘naughty corner’ around this age but not my daughter. Maybe a sticker reward chart would work for your son? (To reward good behaviour)

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