
I would love some advice on how to approach other mums at pick up and drop off to open up a conversation and start chatting? I find this hard sometimes as people can be unapproachable. I missed out on the meet up before school started as we were away and no one was interested in a second meet up. Your advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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  • I find the best way to do this is to ask your child who they play with or who their best friends are and then organise a playdate at a park with that parent. It’s so much easier to chat and get to know someone one on one like this while your kids play and then you’ll have more to chat about at pick up/drop off.

  • I usually just go up and introduce myself and explain who my child and usually is always smooth where the conversation occurs naturally.Always ask them who their child is

  • A smile usually works wonders if you can get the mums off their phones long enough to look your way.

  • Honestly, just say something like “HI! I’m so and so’s Mum. I think your kid is in her class?” Most people truly will be friendly and willing to start a conversation. Just don’t pick the Mum who looks like she’s in a hurry!

  • I would have loved some advice when I was dropping my children off to school. Just start by saying hello and take it from there

  • I’m not sure about school pick ups. But there are some groups on facebook. Maybe check if there is a local one around?

  • There are a few apps ‘social mumma’ and peanut that help mums find mum friends. School kids I can’t help with.

  • I always first focused on the mums of the kids in my own children’s class and start with those are open for a hi and a chat. Ask about their kids, how they’re settling in etc. Then in time play dates are a great way to invite mum & kids over at your place. I look back on many lovely afternoons whereby the kids were playing in the garden, whilst the mum ‘s were drinking a cuppa and were connecting. At times I had 8 mums over and 20+ children playing in the backyard. All the kids and mums LOVED it !

  • I’m in the same boat as I work full-time and don’t really see any parents. I do have one friend though and she approached me when she recognised my son when we were walking our dogs. Maybe it would be easier to meet other parents in a different setting, like at a park, etc. pick up and drop off is so rushed!

  • Making mum friends is so hard. I’ve just moved hours away from where I gave birth and attended new mums group, and starting over again is so daunting. To put myself out there I try to ask about their kids, compliment and feel out if we could click as friends. I hope to be brave enough myself soon and be the one to initiate a group meet up! Big girl pants moves.

  • Asking a question can be a good way to start a conversation. ie: Who is your child? What are they liking about school etc. Some of my best friends are my kids friends’ mums 🙂

  • I’d love to know this too! My daughter starts kindy next week and I don’t know anyone going to her school. I’ve seen quite a few of the ither mums being really chatty and clicky at the orientation days and don’t have the confidence to start a convo. I reakon starting by chatting to their closest friends parents and organising a playdate is a great start.

  • I found that its really not worth it sometimes there are some mums that can be nasty and sometimes talk before your back about you which I have encounted.

  • Agree, a play date is always a good way to get to know other parents. Ask your child if they have a friend they’d like to ask and go from there.

  • Sometimes the other mums are the same, find out who is your child’s closest friend so you have a opening and then go from there and ask a play date

  • If your child has particular friends at school maybe start by approaching that parent with an offer of arranging a playdate at a park etc.

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