
My family are all sick with the flu and although I’m fighting it off at the moment I’m not sure how long I can do it. Have been taking Vitamin C but not convinced it helps that much. Does anyone have a natural remedy to help fight off the flu?

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  • I also like making home made chicken broth. It seems to help.

  • I always have olive leaf extract in the fridge. At the first signs of a cold, the whole family takes a tablespoon of olive leaf each day and we either don’t get sick, or the symptoms are reduced significantly.

  • Homemade chicken soup with lots of garlic and ginger. Lots of fluids, preferably water, and lots of bed rest.

  • I take echcinea (not that I can spell it) when we all get sick – it seems to speed up the recovery process

  • When we’re getting sick I like to cook with fresh garlic and ginger…..a nice flavour but not so overpowering that the kids won’t eat it.

  • echinacea and propolis are good to fight a flu… try you local healthfood shop or chemist.

  • Thank you all,. Looks like I will be resting, steaming and drinking lots of water as I have it now. Only took another 24 hours and all four of us have it

  • Hot water with a good squirt of honey and lemon. Honey is a natural medicine. It’s a good alternative to tea as well and get’s you drinking water. Doesn’t cure you but helps you feel better.

  • I use vitamin c garlic and horseradish and honey lemon tea.
    If there a coughs, we drink pineapple juice. Get better soon

  • try not to catch it! open the curtains and let sun light in as it helps to kill the germs. have glen 20 on hand. if you really can’t get sick, try getting face masks from the hospital to wear or improvise and use a bandana. you might feel silly but how bad do you want to avoid a flu? also no-one will see you at home

  • Not eally natural but i put vicks on my feet and put socks on them before going to bed. I find this can help with some of the aches and pains.

  • Chicken noodle soup to sooth the throat and keep you warm. I also drink lot’s of tea and so do the kids with camomile and ginger. The camomile is sweet so the ginger isn’t overpowering. I also like to make a big jug of fresh lemonade and sip on that. otherwise rest but i know how hard that is with kids.

  • I generally just take vitamin C and with me it helps. When I see the first symptoms, I start taking 5-6 tablets a day and I go on till I feel completely better.

  • I’m sorry to read this as it’s awful – especially when everyone has it at once. I found steam really helped to clear my head and can help sore, scratchy throats. I have a facial steamer I use but using a basin of hot water or even a really steamy bathroom while having a shower or bath can help. My brother swears by olive leaf extract but I’ve never tried it – you can take it as the extract itself or in capsules. it’s full of antioxidants and vitamin c and can help with fever.

    I also find sitting in the fresh air in the sun can help – feeling warmed by the sun (if you can find any this time of year) can really help as can the vitamin d you get from it helps boost your mood too.

  • Lemon and honey, use a vaporiser (head over a steaming pot of water with eucalyptus and breathe in), keep warm, rest, drink lots and lots and lots of water!

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