
What age for a child do you think is appropriate to get a pet and what kind of pets do you have? Thanks

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  • I think any age :)

  • I think from five or six years on is a good age.

  • I found pets teaches kids out to be gentle my sins daycare have a pet rabbit for the children and they get to feed it clean it’s cage and they absolutely love it. We are now thinking of getting ine for home.

  • I depends on the pet – ie my toddler is too rough for a small pet (mouse, bird, guinea pig) but loves our dogs. I’d speak to a vet about appropriate breeds and temperaments for kids – we have a mix breed and an American staffy – they are both extremely tolerant (they get their tails and tongues pulled and eyes poked). I’d never have a cat near a baby – it’s not safe

  • Pets are a big responsibility, even for adults.
    We got our dog as a pup & found out we were expecting not long after.
    Pup & Son grew together & have an amazing bond. Even when we added to our family we never had a problem. We only have the 1 pet & that’s enough for us for now but if you do have the time I recommend getting a pup to grow with your child.

  • I think animals and children both need a lot of time. So if you plan on getting a pet when the kids are little, consider the time factor, will you have enough for both. It’s not so hard when the kids are older as they might help care for it, but don’t count on it.

  • We have 6 fish we are next going to get a guiena pig after that been with us we will consider getting a dog but only once they prove they are happy to help care foe the animals.

  • we have 2 dogs which we had before the kids. andi got 3 fish when he was 2

  • We have dogs, a cat but our boys are growing up surrounded by lots of animals, when we go to friends places and farms they are introduced to sheep, horses, pigs, goats etc. It really comes down to your lifestyle and the animal/s you get should be appropriate to it. Good luck!

  • Before my daughter was born I had 2 cats and 4 chooks my daughter is now 3 and we have just gotten a puppy. She is extremely good with all our animals and the animals have adapted to having her in the house (mainly talking about the cats as they are 10 & 7)

  • Personally I thing any age is fine, but you must be prepared to look after it yourself. Yes children can help feed, groom, walk etc an animal but it generally comes down to you. I have always loved dogs and my children grew up with one from the age of 6months. Birds, fish, rabbits are all good too.

  • When parents think they are responsible enough to take care of the pet, having said that. We have a Sharpei who is our darling furbaby and to my horror two pet rats (no idea what I was thinking when I agreed for DD to have them).

  • I think that children are old enough to have a pet when they can help feed it etc as it becomes very old very fast when it is left up to the parent to feed the dog, cat, fish etc all the time when the novelty wears off.
    We have an Old English Mastiff (85kgs,very large), a Jack Russell and a Maltese x Jack Russell. Oh and two fish :)

  • I have said to my son when he is seven we can look at getting a dog as he will be old enough to be responsible

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