
The Woolworths garden discovery promotion comes with a circle of soil. U add water and it swells up and the soil is to be added to the pot provided. What if a young sibling thought it was a lolly and swallowed it?

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  • Fair question. I would do what I always do, supervise the children and if anything was to happen see medical attention or contact my local GP.

  • I doubt they would be able to swallow it, it’s too big to swallow hole. I assume it would start to swell in the mouth. And being a soul base would probably not cause a yuck taste and maybe a stomach ache. I assume it would be spat out before swallowed though!

  • The warning on the packet states that nothing is eatable apart from the products for veggies and herbs. Also only suitable for five and over, so I would be keeping the pots away from young children an keep an eye on the product. Just be careful what is within reach of young children. Thinking about some over five could have problems with this too.

  • Commonsense. You don’t hand the toddler the circle of dirt. As soon as water is added to the soil it becomes a pile of soil for planting. So keep it up out of reach until ready to use.
    Growing plants, seeds is so positive it’s bothersome a commonsense issue puts a damper on a supermarket creating a “growing” experience.
    Don’t accept the seedlings it’s not compulsory.

  • Supervision is key really. This doesnt fall on woolworths responsibility.

  • That would be basically just eating a handful of dirt, which toddlers get plenty of opportunities to do with no ill effects. It might make them sick. Probably contact the poisons hotline if something like that happens and you’re worried. Otherwise I wouldn’t sweat it as a hypothetical. There are loads of random things toddlers could swallow.

  • Mom335184 there is absolutely nothing wrong with being concerned and for asking your question. People need to think and question and it shows concern. I am glad that some answers provided you with help.

  • I would do what I would do in any other situation that might occasion danger – call the appropriate emergency services.

  • Thank u to those Mums who have so kindly answered my concern. My grandchildren have not swallowed a soil circle, but I want to give the collectables to my 3 year old grand son. His sister is only two. They will definitely have to be supervised, but it was a genuine concern of mine for all those parents, grandparents and carers out there to be careful as in my mind the soil circle looks like one of those chocolate buttons from the supermarket confectionary aisle. I may be way off the mark.

  • Poisons information, GP, Pharmacist and similar organisations and professions would surely be able to offer advice and support.

  • I think you need to make sure they don’t swallow it, it most likely would not make them sick, after they taste it they will spit it out anyway.

  • I am a little confused about this post ? Did this child actually swallow the soil pellet? OR are you simply asking a what if ? If the answer is yes they ate it I do hope you took them to the Drs. AND hoping all is OK now.

  • Is there is any information on package what to? Normally there is some warning or something on the box. I will call gp and ask.

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