
As young girls are going through puberty earlier these days, when is it a good time to speak to them about periods?

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  • I don’t have a daughter but I was awkward and didn’t feel comfortable talking to my mum about periods or anything body related. I think if you have good communication with your daughter you may want to start these conversations when your daughter is close to having body changes, or when her friends have started. This can help her understand a bit about what is happening. Schools do start to inform kids in year 7 I think – but some are already changing by then. I’ve spoken to my male teen about periods etc – so many males freak out about this subject.

  • Wow that is very young indeed Mummaofthree !!

  • I say the younger the better, I do still need to have the conversation with my daughter who is 6 she’s just so innocent and over thinks everything…. but I was only 8 and in grade 3 when I got mine I was very young.

  • I started talking about periods at a very young age. My daughter was walking around with dolls under her dress pretending she was pregnant at age 5 or 6 or so. I told her then that she has already eggs in her tummy which can become babies when she’s grown up. And that an egg at a certain age every month will leave her body with a bit of blood. These conversation became later more detailed but that was the start and it was very helpful. There was never a hard talk and when the time came she had her first period she was really excited about it !

  • I started talking to my daughter at around the age of 9 or 10.

  • When they start asking questions I talk to my 5 yr old about them

  • I was thrown in the deep end with the sex talks as my daughters period began when she was only 10. I was not expecting it so early!

  • I think around the age of 10 is a good age. Just talk about it matter of fact, show them the products they use-unwrap them so they can have a good look and feel of them. Let them ask you openly about your experience-be open and honest.

  • My mum didn’t talk to me about periods, sex, love, relationships etc. So when it happened, I absolutely freaked out! My daughter was 10 when hers started. So I say the earlier the better

  • I think as a child you are exposed to this quite early from primary school. I remember girls talking about it in year 4. I think it is good to be open and honest with your daughter and emphasise that it is so normal and not scary. I remember not really having the talk with my mum, i just learnt about it at school and it was just such a big shock when it came. Very scary when you are a young girl.

  • My daughter will be 9 soon… And because I was 11 when I got mine I’m getting prepared for the talk about periods. I have made her a pack that is descreet and included some panty liners and pads as well as tampons to ensure I cover everything.. Although she is young, I’d rather she be prepared and feel she is mature enough for this soon.

  • Some companies will send out free information packs and samples when requested; they are packed full of helpful information and tips.

  • It depends on the child; usually around 9 or 10. Often children are exposed to this information at an early age and may have questions for parents.

  • When they ask or when they seam curious about it is usually a good time but that will be at a different time for all girls. My daughter knows about it already and she is 6, because she’s asked about it. Perhaps show her a pad and ask her if she know what they are and go from there..

  • I had the chat with my daughter when she was 11 as i got my first period on my 12th birthday and yep she got hers the day before her 12th birthday so she knew exactly what to expect and what to do.

  • I did it with my daughter at the age of eleven and put a really cute little bag inside her school bag with pads and a pair of knickers and a plastic bag and some parasol just in case

  • I don’t think you should really put a certain age to the talk, I think if she asks you out about anything, be as honest as possible but in a language that she understands and as she gets older and want to know more, you tell more. you don’t need to hide anything in that regard from her. When you see that she is starting to develop and ask questions you can sit her down and have the full blown TALK with her. Have pictures ready of a woman’s reproductive parts to show her precisely what will be happening and why. There are some great books like “Where did I come from?’ that can guide your talk and then she has time to read it when she’s ready, Also you might like to talk to her teacher about what has been covered in class already, chances are she knows more than you imagine! ;)

  • I started giving my girls straight answers about the questions that they asked as soon as they started asking them. I had the big talk with them about 9 though. I believe that they have sex ed at school in around grade 3-4 now so I wanted to get in about the same time as that.

  • When my daughter’s body started changing at 9 yo I knew it was time to have the period talk. She began having body odour, developing on her chest, with underarm and pubic hair. I did some research and bought an excellent book aimed at younger girls called ‘Secret Girls Business’. We read it together, I answered questions and put it on her bookshelf letting her know she can read through it anytime.

  • get some information leaflet, book or google and sit down and explain. maybe see if there is a video on youtube that will help explain with pictures. it is a natural thing but i know that i’m not keen on the talk lol

    check out the libra girl website that will send you a free starter kit. you will get a pencil case with an info leaflet and samples of tampons, applicators, liners and pads (i think there was other things) so she can try a few different products and learn about what she wants to use.

    my friend just got one for her daughter who is 11 and she found it helpful and was raving on about it so i will keep that in mind for a few years time.

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