
My wonderful Dad is sadly in the final stages of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. I’ve tried explaining to my four year old son that his grandad is very sick and that he will pass away within the next month or two (hopefully longer), however I don’t think he really understands the enormity of the situation and I don’t want it to be a massive shock for him when the time comes. Can anyone recommend any great books or resources that they’ve personally used please? I was referred to a website by a palliative care specialist but wasn’t thrilled with the resources on their website.

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  • I too often wonder if the concept of death is understood at this age. I am interested in what books are also recommended.

  • Really sorry to hear, look up big hug books, they have se beautiful books, there may be one of grief. Big hugs xx

  • There are some great books about young children spending time with grandparents and then grandparents not being there. I can’t remember the title but hopefully the local library can help.

  • It is never an easy topic and explaining to a child of any age is so difficult. We told our 2 year old that his pop was “fishing in the stars”. He is simply too young to understand what death really is. He often looks at pictures and often tells us that pop is with the stars and moon. Eventually we will explain further and have decided to not sugar coat it so to speak. We will tell him what happened to pop and why.

    Just be honest with your little one the best you can. They understand a lot more than we think.

  • I am so sorry to hear this! Sending you all much love.
    I don’t have any personal experience with this but there is a beautiful book called the invisible string by Patricia karst that may be of some
    Use xx

  • This is always so hard and it depends on the age of the child and the family’s beliefs. I think it is best to be truthful but the younger the age the less detail.

  • The Goodbye book by Todd Parr
    Ida, Always by Caron Lewis
    Audio book the Heart and the Bottle; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q4W2P4HgcY

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