
Does anyone know?

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  • Usually 2.5 onwards. Our nearly 3 year old has just fully trained herself in the last two weeks.

  • Toilet training success hinges on physical, developmental and behavioral milestones, not age. Many children show signs of being ready for toilet training between ages 18 and 24 months. However, others might not be ready until they’re 3 years old.

  • Every child is different. All 4 of my children were toilet trained between 2-2.5.

  • I started toilet training before she was 2, so I would say around the age of 2. Some take longer though

  • Mine started telling me when she was 2 and I should have started her toilet traing then but I didn’t .. Big mistake!!

  • From my experience, about aged 2 my daughter started telling me when she was going to wee and poo. it took till she was about 2 1/2 to really get the hang of it. She was able to tell me with enough time to reach the toilet. My son was more like 3 1/2! I guess they are all so different…

  • My daughter was about 2 and a half when she started to be able to control. She toilet trained herself quite quickly after that.

  • I found that when they. Used there nappy and would grab it or stop and finish that they knew that they were wet, that’s when I found my girls were really to use the toilet

  • My daughter has been asking to go to the toilet since she was 2, she’s 2 1/2 now. Although she hasn’t done anything yet she’ll do it in her own time. Every child is different!

  • Every child is so different. We tried toilet training from 18 months. She showed signs of being ready however we weren’t successful until our 3rd attempt at 2.5 and she was trained in about 6 weeks,

  • I think each child is different but I think anywhere from 18 months onwards is the norm :) if you are wanting to toilet train your daughter, see if she is showing signs of being interested in going and go from there :) make it fun and don’t force her to go, she will go in her own time :)

  • Around the age of 2 is pretty normal. I have heard of some girls knowing at about 15 months but its rare. :) Every child is different.

  • Around the age of 2 they start to understand. Apparently girls learn this quicker than boys, which was true for my kids.

  • My daughter is 2 an she knows most of the time when she needs to go

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