
My kids aged 2 & 4 have to take afternoon tea to daycare. Each room has a fridge, I have done homemade chic yogo, yogurt, popcorn, fruit cupcakes and homemade biscuits and fruit. Looking for some inspiration for other ideas, thanks.

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  • Chic peas, flava beans, Indian banana chips (=unsweetened), cheese with crackers, yoghurt, homemade granola, fresh fruits, vegetable chips, raw chocolate balls, homemade banana bread or vegetable muffin, banana pancakes, zucchini fritters or even a slice of seeded / wholemeal bread.

  • Slice veggies into different shapes and make pictures

  • Banana bread, date scones, fruit platter, cheese and saos

  • A nice homemade slice, fruit salad a homemade dip and some crackers

  • What state are you in and what sort of daycare is it? Is it an in-house one?
    In SA childcare/daycare centres provide breakfast(if the chilld arrives really early), morning snack(usually sliced or chopped fruit), lunch (usually cooked) and afternoon snack(the same as in the morning).

  • Cut up fruit and vegetables were really popular. Also, mini muffins, bread sticks and rice crispie bars.

  • Cheese sticks, homemade hommous and crackers, sultanas, apricots, mini sandwiches, zucchini slice

  • Homemade Muesli Bars
    Protein or Fruit balls
    Homemade cheese scrolls with different fillings – spinach, feta, capsicum, mushroom and sour cream
    Cheese sticks

  • carrot and celery sticks with some dip
    Vegemite and cheese on biscuits
    cubed cheese and deli meats
    pancakes or pikelets
    dried fruits like apricot and sultanas
    Mini quiches
    Rice cakes or rice crackers

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