
We live in are in the process of searching for a Nanny for our 3 primary school children and want to ensure we employ the ‘right’ person.

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  • someone who gets along with the kids and is going to stay around long term

  • I recently came across the idea of a “Granny Nanny” from a friend who is using one. She says she is fabulous with the kids, has lots of experience dealing with her own kids and grandkids, and doesn’t have to rush off for dates or texting friends constantly. She found her by talking with her friends and family who suggested this Granny Nanny for her. The kids love her and bonus, she bakes them goodies after school!

  • Make sure you check their qualifications and references. Then be prepared to trial a few. I think personality fit is super important so be prepared to try a few before you fine “the one”!

  • curlytops, it is your responsiblity to provide items for games, activities etc. Perhaps during an interview ask what activities she plans to introduce to your children – age appropriate. Bear in mind she needs to find out what your child’s current interests are. Try to find out what rules she uses in deciding what your children are or aren’t allowed to do or have, what methods she uses to train them not to do something. See if she then asks you what you normally implement and watch her reaction when you tell her. Insist on a Police Clearance. Mind you the Police are so busy they sometimes take their time doing them even though they charge quite a bit for them considerring they have any records on their computers. She may already have one. Ask for references with contact details. Maybe give her a probationary period and see if she is satisfactory and the children settle with her OK.

  • oh you can also see what kind of housework that they would be willing to do. i don’t mean, cleaning the toilet but they might wash dishes, prepare food, tidy after the children etc.

  • Nanny, au pair and baby sitters are all quite different and will provide you with different levels of service. Sometimes older women make great nannies, as they have more experience (I know a family that has had the same nanny since first born was a baby – the nanny is in her 50’s and still with the family now the eldest is 12). You really need to know what you want and be prepared to advertise and trial people for exactly what you want don’t be too upset if it takes a while and you make a few errors along the way. First aid is a must, driving might be, as could longevity of the relationship. Good luck!

  • When it isn’t someone that you especially know, check all qualifications and experiences with looking after children plus first aid is handy . A lot of people might babysit for favours but that is not qualified childcaring . Check full resume with references would be ideal just like any professional hiring .

  • Ensure they have current certificates; particularly for first aid.

  • Check references, employment history and qualifications. Check against the criteria and duty statements of childcare professionals for comparisons.

  • Ring and speak with her references and ask all the questions you have concerns for like is she reliable, helpful, friendly, if she’s driving your kids has she had any accidents or traffic offences, is she a good cook, whats here hygiene like in the kitchen. do the kids really enjoy spending time with her etc etc. the list goes on but also get them all to come over to the house for an afternoon (separately) and watch them interact with your kids – do they arrive with some games/ colouring/ fun things like puppets or blowy toys etc so they are actively engaged with kids. I would also go with my gut feeling as on paper everyone looks good but in reality they have to get on with you and your family. are they willing to do things your way? be adaptable etc.

  • see how she acts with the kids. give her a trial. make sure that she is qualified

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