
My dentist said I need a root canal. So scared, what can I expect during and after the procedure?

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  • This may give you some more info about root canal treatment

  • I had both root canals and molars removed by a surgion that broke apart during the procedure. Both should be numbed well, so you shouldn’t feel as much of the treatrment. The injections are probably the most unpleasant. Personally I had the feeling of a numb mouth what hinders till several hours after the procedure ad gives trouble with drinking.

  • I’ve had a dentist poke around in the roots of one of my teeth and I nearly hit the roof! My god it hurt

  • My 15 son has to have one in the future as he has an inactive tooth , plus a supernumerary . He has had a couple of abcesses when before he was 10 due to a gum issue , poor kids already experienced so many tooth problems. Hub used to feed him lots of icecream when he was young as he loved it , so not sure if that started it off.
    A friend of mine has RC and she mentioned they didn’t get everything out and was on antibiotics . Goodness so may teeth stories and they aren’t good 🙁

  • Ow so sorry but it will be extremely painful so ask for morphine or equivalent to help get thru. Good luck!

  • You shouldn’t feel anything during the procedure because it’s under anaesthetic. My mum had it done a couple of years back and was complaining about a tired jaw from having the mouth open for the surgery for so long more than anything!

  • I have one horror story about root canal treatment and it is to do with the cost! A friend spent $100’s on treatment and then….had to have the tooth removed! A different kind of pain and ouch! 😉

  • I have managed to dodge root canal treatment-good luck!

  • not as bad as people will make you think. getting a tooth out is worse. you might have a sore and stiff jaw but only for a few days

  • I have had 2 on the same tooth (quite a few years apart) as they did not get out all the root and years later I had an abscess. So make sure they examine x rays properly for 3 or 4 roots. And check X-rays after to make sure they have everything out.
    It is long and you get sore mouth from keeping it open so long. But you have anaesthetic like for a filling so don’t feel anything.

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