
Just wondering if anyone knows of any jobs in the health field industry that isn’t a nurse or Dr?

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  • All the mentioned by others and also lab technician, chemist, therapy aide, support worker, social worker, criminologist / forensics, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, physiotherapist, occupational therapist etc

  • Plenty in allied health as mentioned in previous posts. So much variety to choose from and all revolve around helping others.

  • ultrasound technician, physiotherapist, some type of specialists. many different jobs just depends what particular thing is exciting

  • Heath service Assistant? You assist nurses and other health professionals with their work

  • Look into rehabilitation or Return to work comp that is a great field and in areas of Occupational health and safety in a workplace

  • Allied health professional jobs also are quite flexible with hours and part time or full time work.

  • Occupational therapist? Physio? Dietitian? Id second the idea of looking up allied health jobs. You’d be surprised how many there are that arent nurses or drs. Good luck.

  • There are so many jobs in the health field. Look up the allied health professional websites for jobs.

  • There are many – physio therapists, dieticians, counsellors, speech pathologists, laboratory technicians, radiographer (different from the Dr radiologists) – and these are to name just a few. Most Universtities and TAFE colleges have handbooks, online resources and help lines that could assist. Good luck!

  • My son is year 10 and really enjoys science and says he doesn’t mind doing something to do with health research . I think we need more people who can help find cures for diseases etc. I have a friend who studied science and is now working in a hospital collecting blood and relative who is a pathologist. Perhaps go to a uni or tafe counsellor and I am sure they can help you with this enquiry. Best of luck .

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