
I’m looking at upgrading our pram for baby #2 and I know from my first one that I need one with adjustable height handles as my first one hurt my back too much.

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  • Strider compact – it’s great and has adjustable handle and option for second seat

  • For our first one we had the bugaboo chameleon. It was a great pram and trusty friend on many long walks. Adjusting the handles is possible, if a bit fiddly as you have to turn a little screw on each side then pull or push the handle to desired height.
    Now for baby #2 we changed to a Phil&Teds as we need to be able to seat josh kids. Adjusting the handles is easier than the bugaboo and can be done even on the go, as it is done at the push of a button.
    If I had known this and maybe hubby hadn’t been so anti-3-wheeler we would have gotten the P&T first time around.

  • We have the baby jogger city min gt which has adjustable handles it’s fine for my short mum everyone in between and my 6.5ft hubby – plus it’s light and easy to pop in the boot so saves your back again

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