
I know we are now living in a very rushed and busy life but people are now becoming so rude and there is no kindness around Like the other day I was out and I just smiled and said hello to a lady and she turned around and said to me what and gave me a filthy look so is what I did was wrong is it I was just being nice and kind and all I got was this

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  • I think try not to take it
    Personally some people are just grumpy and not nice in general. Nothing to do with you. Just try to be positive and continue to be the way you are. Being nice is blessing and there is nothing wrong with it so just keep being nice and whatever your comfortable with.

  • Forgot to mention that my daughter greets a lot of people, saying “hi” to strangers is totally normal to her. But she is absolutely not bothered if she doesn’t get a response back. She does pick up when she gets a nasty response (she has a high emotional radar but not the understanding) or when people exclude her. But to be honest it doesn’t happen often

  • There are people who react unkind, which you shouldn’t take personal at all. There are also many people who are kind, which should make you smile.
    I always learn a lot from my 10yr old who has Down Syndrome. The other day we were waiting by a stoplight, where a middle aged man with his elderly mother and his adult daughter were waiting too. My daughter tapped the middle aged man on his arm reaching out her hand to give him a handshake, asking “who name”. I translated to the man that she’s asking for his name, which he shared to her with a smile on his face. My daughter then shared her name and asked him if he was having a good day. After answering her my daughter she waved them good-bye. This intermezzo warmed my heart and brought a smile on my face as well as on the face of the man and his companions

  • You will get this at times, people are busy have alot on there minds, some do not want to be talked too, some are also friendly too, some have mental health issues too. Don’t dwell on people’s responses. Not everyone will react badly.

  • Keep going with spreading your joy and kindness. Please do not let one person ruin your day. I absolutely love chatting to people waiting in line or in the aisles of the supermarket. I find that the elderly are super keen for a chat. I am also someone that loves to smile and say hello. I find that most people are happy to engage and return the greeting. Spreading joy and kindness is such a beautiful thing to do 🙂

  • Keep continuing to be kind and friendly. There are far to many grumpy and rude people around. You never know, your kinds smile might just make that difference in someone’s day.

  • A smile costs nothing and you just keep doing you. If people don’t respond or are rude that’s on them. They could be having a hard time. But just keep on smiling. I do the same and I find 9times out of 10 they respond back with a smile.

  • I always greet people. Most times I get a greeting back, but if I don’t I no longer let it worry me.

  • I agree, people can be so rude these days. They blame being always busy, stressed etc. I always try to be friendly and give smile no matter what might be going on in my personal life. I find that 9 times out of 10 if you are nice to others they will be nice back. I’m sorry this wasn’t the case in your situation.

  • Treat others as you would like to be treated. If everyone followed the same rule the world would be a much nicer place.

  • I agree, there is absolutely no need to be rude. I always say good morning to people I see when I’m on my morning run. Most times the gesture is returned, but sometimes I’m ignored or they might not be able to hear if they have earbuds in. It seems these days we often make every effort to block out everyone around us.

  • It can be hard but I think that the best way to find respect and kindness is to share it.. where your focus goes, energy flows!

  • I found that it was my headspace that made me feel like I was surrounded with rudeness and lack of kindness. I was always looking for the worst in each situation. Once I felt better in my headspace I found the joy in the other people surrounding me and stopped focusing on the rude people and letting it get to me. There is always going to be one negative nancy in the bunch, but most people are happy and pleasant demeanor. Those who are rude, it makes me think now what they have going on in their life to make them that way and I give them benefit of the doubt.

  • You never know what kind of day someone else is having or what’s going on in their life.

  • There will always be people who aren’t wanting to engage with others. We also don’t know what’s happening with that person, they might have something else going on and then it just comes across as unintendedly rude.

  • Well I feel extremely lucky after reading this. I walk most days and always say Hi or Hello to people on the street. So far I have always had a smile returned to me and sometimes even a comment or two is exchanged. Makes my day, and I hope it makes their day too. Such a small thing to do with a really good reward to all.

  • I usually smile and nod at people – if I don’t get a response I just figure they’re thinking about something else. I rarely encounter actual nastiness.

  • I always try to smile and interact with people too. Yes, you might get the odd bad response but on a whole I find people are pretty receptive and you just never know who’s day you might have made without even realising it.

  • Some people think they don’t like one night stands, because one night stands are the mcdonalds of meetings, you might get something nice, it’ll cost too much, you dont know where he/she/sha been, and overall the experience doesn’t last, also you might end up with guilty.

    The analogy i am potraying is derived from fast bustling environment, where people do not want other people to be near them, because a safety perpspective, although this encounter you describe might literally have been an expression (from the other person) as too costly for her day, the premise might be that she has not time for anyone outside of her/his/sha’ circle, but maybe even within she/he/sha circle. (pronouns set edited to reflect the common eventuated danger of presenting a claim that someone who is not you owns something.)

    Likely most people who act rude in quick encounters, have no fear, and are trying to save ‘money’ by being frugal with the amount of sugar their brain burns. This is not always the case, some people have abusive situations, and respond differently to sugar burning situations.

  • I’ve noticed. I always try to be happy, smiling, friendly when out and about. But im in the minority I think some people are just too scared to acknowledge strangers these days

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