
My 1 year old has a fetish with my feet and enjoys standing on them, mainly when I’m sitting down, but she doesn’t do it to hubby. Everytime she does it, I pick her up, tell her it hurts and not to do it again. Next opportunity she’s standing back on my them. Am I the only person with this problem?

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  • yeah also do tell her that she is hurting you if you really don’t like it though. I think that it is a cute thing but you can tell her that you will stand on her feet. Obv don’t do it hard but just the fact that she won’t be able to walk at all is a little taste of her medicine lol. She will stop then i bet!

  • I know this too well my 3 year old still does this and it drives me crazy…

  • she probably just wants your attention and knows she’ll get it this way..

  • Maybe she wants you to pick her up? We don’t have this issue but found our 18mth old definitely has different things she will do with me or her dad

  • My son used to do similar and it does hurt – especially in Winter with cold feet! He grew out of it quickly.

  • oh she might just be trying to play or get your attention. Have a play with her! Walk around with her on your feet but explain that mummy isn’t going to get anything done if she is always on mummy’s feet!

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