
I would like to hear everyone’s views on this – would you go on a holiday without your kids?

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  • No, we have 2 kids with additional needs.
    I did go alone oversees for funerals and recently for my mums birthday though, whilst my husband stayed with the kids and I had arranged as much as possible support workers.

  • Not both of us together. But my husband and I have both taken the odd weekend away without the kids (or each other) and it can be a real help to refresh you.

  • Impossible without family or friends to look after them… but could schedule something for school camp week!

  • Wherever you went on your honeymoon. I would go Thailand with hubby or Europe.

  • In my opinion , it depends on the ages of the child/ kids . I remembered a story when my brother in law forced his wife who just gave birth to their first child of 6 weeks to embark on an overseas trip. She just cried and cried while he enjoyed it , she couldn’t even sleep. Call it selfish or mad , but to me that is too much . Funny enough if that was me I would have said go yourself and leave me be . They never did that again until he was much older . To me it depends on the ages and if timing is good.

  • My husband and I are going to NZ for 10 days next week without our children. Its the first time we have been away that we have not had at least 1 kid with us or I have not been pregnant. So yes I think its absolutely ok.

  • remember why you had kids? because you met someone and fell in love…. HELL YES, take a break without the tin lids!!!

  • I have only been away without my kids once. And it wasn’t really a holiday, it was for my dad’s funeral, and it was not by choice. I simply didn’t have the cash at such short notice :(

  • Look as long as it’s not a regular thing and you take your kids on holidays too why not? Everyone deserves a break and a kid free holiday will probably rejuvenate you and make you not only refreshed but appreciate how much you miss your kids! They won’t mind if they get to have a holiday too (like staying with the grandparents what a treat!)

  • I’ve often day dreamed about how relaxing it would be to have a holiday without the kids, but I think the reality is that I just wouldn’t be able to do it. I’d constantly be thinking about how much they would love this and that, and I’d miss them.

  • I wish lol. no probably not,

  • Yeah i would. But not overseas, and only for a few nights.
    Just because you have children doesn’t mean you can’t have some time out!
    I have 3 boys 6, 5 and 1. I’ve still not had a honeymoon yet and coming up to 4 years married in November, been together 12 years and never had a proper holiday together either.
    We had a family holiday to Fiji this year, my baby was 8 months old. While it was wonderful and an amazing experience for my children. Hubby and I didn’t get any time together just as a couple.
    I think once your kids are at an age you are comfortable to leave them with grandparents for a few nights a mini holiday would be nice. We are hoping to do something around our wedding anniversary hopefully to see the great Barrier reef for a few nights and my boys will stay with my mum, youngest sister and brother :)

  • I guess it depends on how old they are and where you want to go and for how long.

    When I was 2 or 3 I was left with grandparents while the rest of the family went on holiday to Vanuatu. It just made practical sense.

  • No never we’d miss them too much plus our holidays are always based on our family!

  • I was considering going away for a night just in town, but I don’t know if I could cope. I am getting married with in a year and when that happens the honeymoon will definitely be just us, but other than that, I personally couldn’t.

  • No. My hubby and I have the same idea when it comes to holidays. No one will be left behind. We go as a family. If we have to enjoy ourselves, the children will be included. We try to save and plan our trip early so we have enough funds to use.

  • I would consider one or two nights away if I had a close family member to look after the kids but any longer and I wouldn’t but everyone is different.

  • I personally wouldn’t go without my daughter but i’m a single mum so i son’t have anyone else to go with…

  • We cannot remember the last time we went anywhere without one or all of our kids. We only have one at home miss 14 but we take her everywhere. We would love a holiday on our own but not till our daughter is older as our attitude is we had them they are our responsibility. Also our kids are well mannered, behaved, disciplined and polite as we are told by many so we have never had a problem taking them anywhere besides is nice to make family memories on holidays you never know what tomorrow will bring

  • Totally need a holiday
    A teething 4mo that constantly wants to be fed during the day
    And a annoying 6yo :(

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