

So we all know that after we give birth, we are supposed to do our pelvic floor exercises, but hands up, who actually does them?

I’m sure, like me, you know how important they are. And every now and then you get into the habit of remembering to do them, maybe even using kegel balls, but then life carries on and we forget about them again for another few months, or until we see a trampoline…

I know one of the reasons I don’t often keep going is because I don’t know if I am doing them properly. After I’ve squeezed, but tried not to hold my butt cheeks and breathed normally at the same time, I’m still left wondering “Have I done it correctly?”.

Other women have told me they have similar doubts like:

  • How long am I supposed to squeeze for?
  • Am I squeezing hard enough?
  • Am I getting better at this (and no I don’t want to trampoline to try it)
  • If I do them for a week is that enough?

I thought I had solved some of the puzzle with my kegel balls. I’d attach them to an existing routine, like taking a shower = putting kegel balls in. But then my husband cleaned the shower (don’t be jealous – it doesn’t happen often!) and put them away and I used it as an excuse to stop because I was bored as hell doing them.

Pelvic Floor Trainer

But one of the perks of owning an adult boutique is that I get to try some really clever toys. I’m not a professional tester (there are women out there who do that for a living), but I do love a tech-gadget and I am a novice biohacker so when we were approached by Elvie to stock their pelvic floor trainer I had to nab one for myself.

Now, if you’ve ever used Strava or Fitbit I’d consider you to be a novice Biohacker as well. You get to use real data to make your body perform better. And if you are into fitness you might notice the impact of a weak pelvic floor when you run or do a bouncy cardio workout.

Why Is Your Pelvic Floor Important?

Your pelvic floor is important, not only to stop you from peeing when you laugh or run for the bus, but it provides support for a number of highly important organs like your bladder, bowel, vagina and uterus. And if your pelvic floor is weak then your vagina won’t be as sensitive during sex, meaning you will feel less than satisfied during intercourse and don’t we already have enough challenges to deal with?!

Too Much To Think About At Once

So we know how to find the pelvic floor muscles, stopping mid-way through our planned wee, but then what? I’ve been told to hold them, kind of pulsing to a count of ten, then relaxing and then holding for longer. But at the same time, we’re not supposed to be tightening our bums, stomach or thighs and we should be breathing normally, not holding our breath.

I don’t know about you but I find it all a bit confusing. I was always left wondering if I had done it right. And this is why Elvie is so good.

A Pelvic Floor Trainer

Now I get told instantly if I am doing it right or wrong. Elvie is a kegal trainer you insert and it connects to an app. When you squeeze you can see how hard you are squeezing on the app. It will tell you if you doing it wrong, it will tell you what to do, it will track your progress, it will show you how you compare to other women in your age group, and it will even remind you to do your kegels.

The app kind of works like a game. You have to push a gem around with your pelvic floor, the tighter you squeeze, the more the gem moves up on the app. So instead of playing a game with your fingers, you are controlling it with your pelvic muscles. OK, so that sounds weird, but it really isn’t.

It’s Addictive

Best of all, it is addictive – it will make you want to get to the next level, and it only takes five minutes a day before you will start to feel results. I could not imagine an easier way to do your pelvic floor exercises.

So, now I’ve told you the easy way not to wee when you laugh, the important takeaway I want you to remember is just to do your kegels. Really, it will make your sex life better and future you will thank you when you can sneeze at 85 without weeing.

I am squeezing as I write this…

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  • Im very passionate about these exercises. My Friend was always having issues with bladder control and I so badly didnt want to follow in her footsteps. I do them all the time and thankfully I dont have issues.


  • I do so much to stop this, but it doesn’t help! (laughs!)


  • I usually only remember to do them when I read about it, like just now haha. I am amazed that something like the Elvie trainer exists, what a fun way to strengthen your pelvic floor and learn to do it properly! Too bad it costs almost $300, though it would be worth it to reap the benefits for life.


  • Love the title but not quite at this stage!!


  • How to not pee when you laugh…..1) empty your bladder before hand 2) cross your legs in preparation 3) don’t laugh!


  • I’m the same, I tend to do the exercises for so long then forget about them again. I really should stick to it


  • Think I’ll do the exercises myself. Not sure I want to use their game or whatever it is.


  • Doh: Am I missing something in this story…the story was long and yes I read but do you think you could have had a picture of this device, a link to where one may purchase such a thing, anything really but NO. Oh well it’s back to my exercises and whether I am doing them correctly is unknown. :-(


  • Ok well, this is certainly interesting.


  • I am squeezing as I read this! Part of me is interested in this device! part of me is thinking… really? I do wee a little when I really laugh, or when I sneeze, or when I’m not quick enough. I’ve also had many UTIs pre-birth so am hesitant to hold onto anything. Ahhh, the perils of being a woman.


  • I am both intrigued and a little creeped out by this device at the same time ????


  • I did my exercises for a little while and fortunately no problems.


  • I don’t but I have no wee problems either as yet.


  • I agree that it’s hard to know if you’re doing it right.


  • I do the normal, regular squeezes……when I remember :( One of these would make it so much easier and I would know I was doing them effectively


  • Hm, don’t feel for an addictive device. Thanks but no thanks.


  • I’m not sure I am up for putting anything there…


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