
It’s a dilemma that nobody wants to find themselves in – whether or not to tell a friend that their partner is cheating on them. One woman who is grappling with the decision has reached out to ask for advice.

The woman took to an online forum to explain that she’s heard a rumour her friend’s husband is having an affair, and is now in two minds about revealing all.

“I have heard through the grapevine (through my nail lady), that there is a woman local to us who has told people that she is having an affair with my friend’s husband,” she said.

“My husband and I have been friends with them for 10 years – my friend has made it clear to me that she has been going through a bit of a rough patch with her husband but that things have been looking up recently. They have two very young children.

“My nail lady doesn’t have any information other than that the other woman knows that he has a wife and children – she also has a boyfriend.”

The woman says she was told that the affair had been going on for a year, but had recently ended because the pair could no longer meet up due to commitments.

“No idea whether it was just sex or more. She also didn’t tell me the name of the woman – but from what she has told me, I have a pretty good idea of who the other woman is. There is no way that this would get back to my friend other than through me.

“Should I tell my friend? My heart says to tell her as I would want to know if it was reversed, however I have no concrete proof and my nail lady would definitely not get involved to either find out more information or to speak to my friend.

“I feel like I’ll end up looking like a trouble causer for mentioning it to my friend without any evidence at all? Advice welcome!”

What do you think she should do? Leave your advice in the comments below. 

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  • I think without proof nothing should be said


  • Once a cheater always a cheater. If you are such great friends you could mention this talk with your nail artist and you just caught on who they were talking about. Sit your friend down let her know that you love and respect your friendship and as she has shared their up-and-down marriage situation you thought she should know this information. It’s a hard situation to turn a blind eye. You could until things go pear-shape again and it will. He is a wonderer and cheater and your friend deserves better. If only to have your friend have her eyes wide open and not being played like a fool.


  • That’s a terrible situation to be in but if you were my friend and I found out you knew and didn’t tell me. We wouldn’t be friends after.


  • Horrible situation, unless there is physical proof I would let it go. Eventually things will come crashing down if he continues.


  • Without definite proof, keep your mouth shut. If you have definite, no questions asked proof that this is happening tell her.


  • Lets face it is you who want’s your friends husband and you just have an itch for him and need to scratch it .Bad luck someone beat you to him but I bet he would be flattered so give it a try and speak to him and let him know your real desire

    • Based on what do you come to this conclusion ?


  • If you don’t have definite proof, I would not say anything.


  • I would just stay out of it as you could also lose your friend as you are the one that found out and then tell her it could just ger nasty


  • Stay out of it!

    She might already know and be too embarrassed to tell others.


  • Awkward situation. Unfortunately you need to stay out of their marriage… atleast until you have every fact in the right order.


  • I can’t imagine how you must feel. But if you haven’t got the facts straight for any reason you could really put your friendship at risk.


  • In my opinion, unless you see your friend’s husband out with another woman in a compromising position, I would definitely stay quiet. Even then your friend could believe her husband and blame you for scaremongering. It is a hard position to be in, but if you value your friendship, then leave things be. What does your own husband think? Or have you not told him? I’d be telling him and seeing what he thought first before I did anything else.


  • If you don’t know for sure, it’s better not to ruin a relationship. Maybe she could try to find something more conclusive first


  • Casually mention to your friend’s husband that you had heard through the grapevine (which needs to be taken with a pinch of salt) he had been having an affair. You’ll know if it’s true by his reaction but I wouldn’t tell your friend because it usually backfires and she may blame you for spreading rumours.


  • It’s always hard when it’s heard through the grapevine.

    • The grapevine can be toxic and also sketchy with truth and facts.


  • Although my first instinct is to tell her… you have no real facts.


  • I would tell the friend that you have something delicate you need to tell her and explain that there are rumors going around which you figure are not true but you know if it was being said about you that you would want to know. And then I would tell her what you have been told. If she says its rubbish just agree with her and say its awful that people are saying such things. Let her deal with it in her own way and unless she brings it up again NEVER mention it.


  • Maybe get your husband to speak to the him and tell him there are rumours going around and the position it puts you both in. . As it has supposedly been broken off and your friend has said the rough patch is getting better, he may have woken up to himself.


  • As you have no concrete proof and your nail lady would definitely not get involved to either to find out more information or to speak to your friend, I would remain quiet

    • Since you and your husband have been friends with them for 10 years, I would make sure you stay close and be there for them. Your friends has shared that she has been going through a bit of a rough patch with her husband but that things have been looking up recently and that they have two very young children….a lot is at stake


  • Hearing news through the grapevine is not proof and is tricky territory to navigate.

    • Yes, this phrase “heard it on the grapevine” or “heard it though the grapevine” is a nice way of saying that one heard the information by means of gossip and rumor.


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