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Learning towers have become super popular for toddlers who want to explore their independence, and Kmart has released its own adorable version.

The Kmart Novelty Stand Up Stool ($69) is an online exclusive, and is designed for tots 18 months and older. The novelty giraffe stand up stool helps little ones get close to the action. They can help prepare food in the kitchen, or see themselves in the bathroom mirror as they brush their toothy pegs.

Kmart Learning Tower

Kmart Learning Tower

It’s the second Kmart learning tower to hit the store, with the Kmart Stand Up Stool ($75) also still available. This version is also suited to toddlers aged 18 months and over, with a weight capacity of 20kg.

What is a learning tower?

A learning tower, which is sometimes called a Montessori learning stool, toddler tower or kitchen helper, is designed to give toddlers some height, so they can join in activities.

They’re a step up (pardon the pun!) from simple step stools, which can be dangerous for kids to balance on.

They’re a safe way to let kids see what’s happening up on a kitchen bench, because they have rails to stop them falling backwards. Learning towers give teeny tots a sense of independence and security as they learn while helping out. They can help with food prep and washing up or just learn from observing.

Kids may also want to eat from their learning tower, if they’re not really into sitting still in their high chair.

Learning towers can be used from toddlers aged 18 months, right up until six-years-old, depending on the weight limit of the tower.

Does your toddler use a learning tower? Let us know in the comments below.

  • They look awesome and very handy


  • I wish these had been around a few years ago when I was looking for one. This looks so much cuter than the one that I ended up buying and it’s a lot cheaper.
    These are a great idea and so much safer than kids standing on chairs (and in my little one’s case, tippy toes) to see over the counter.
    Definitely recommend these.


  • These are great! my son loves helping in the kitchen but I often worry about him falling off the chair. This will help alot!


  • I never had a need for it but I like that giraffe.


  • These are awesome!! The giraffe is such a cute design. Will definitely have to get my little guy one of these


  • These are so cute! My kids are getting a bit big now that they would get little use out of it. Much safer than standing on the chair like I did when I was a kid!


  • Kmart bringing out the goods once again!
    Sometimes I’m not as positive about their products – as we live in such a disposable society today.
    I hope the materials stand the test of time (and children)!


  • We built one of these ourselves. They are absolutely brilliant. Our 2 year old moves it around herself and puts it where she’d like to stand and Often helps us with the the cooking.


  • If these had been available when my youngest was little he wouldn’t have ended up with a big gash on the back of his head. He wanted to help his older brother to dry the dishes but they tried to see who could dry the most. Unfortunately as he turned around he lost his balance on the step and fell backwards, hitting his head on the corner of the bench. I’ve never felt so helpless and guilty at the same time before. We were very lucky that it was just a skin tear but it could have been so much more.


  • I wish these had been around when my kids were smaller. Such a great idea.


  • Oh, my! This is adorable! We usually just use a stool. This is quite big and would need a place to be kept out of the way when not in use. If I had a bigger kitchen I’d definitely consider it


  • I remember looking for this Kmart learning tower for months before I finally nabbed one- they ar e absolutely worth the trouble!


  • That’s very cute! Love it!


  • LOVE this! Such a cute design.


  • What a great idea. They look safe and sturdy.


  • Very cute! But with a 20kg capacity I’ll sadly have to give it a miss

    • Is your toddler heavier than 20 kg ??


  • The absolute best for kids who want to help in the kitchen. Especially little girls who want to help Mummy with cooking etc. Love them


  • If my kids were still little enough, I’d be pouncing on this.


  • These weren’t a thing when my son was younger, but what a great idea.


  • I’ve never used a learning tower with any of my kids but this new one really is cute and my 2yo loves helping with “everything” so I might just be tempted…


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