Essential oils seem to be the latest craze. And they aren’t just more products that get pushed onto you by well-meaning family and friends who have become involved with multilevel marketing companies either. They are everywhere, on social media, online and in store!
Gone are the days where they were something which you only saw your grandmother using.
I’m not trying to dispute the benefits of these oils. There are just as many people who swear by them as there are people who believe they’re nonsense. It’s the same with most things really.
What I will question however is the age range on these products!
Not to suggest that they aren’t safe for all ages, it’s just… since when am I even old enough to buy essential oils!? When did they stop being reserved for the older generation and start being used by men, women and children of all ages?!
How did they become cool all of a sudden!?
…or have I just become really old…
Is It A Fad?
Have the younger generations tapped into the secrets of our grandparents? Are we becoming wiser? Or are essential oils just another fad for the younger generation which will pass as quickly as it came?
Whatever the case may be, they make me feel old! Thinking about them makes me question when my interests changed from keeping up to date with the latest high tech devices, to doing research into essential oil blends!
I don’t even know who I am anymore and I bet there’s an oil combination which will help me to find myself again!
Perhaps there needs to be an age restriction placed on these oils, similar to the one placed on alcohol and cigarettes so that people know when they’ve hit that golden essential oil age.
They Make Me Feel Old
I mean I love the idea of them, who knows, they may even do what they claim they do. Either way, however, they make me feel old… and maybe I am… or perhaps I need to put a different perspective on it and allow them to make me feel wiser…
For goodness sake anything is going to smell better than this baby spit up on my shoulder… the tuna and mayo which has been wiped on my hair and the grilled cheese which is somehow stuck to the front of my shirt. Yes, there has to be a blend of oils to combat the blend of smells my children thoughtfully pass on to me, I’m sure of it…
Are you into Essential Oils? If so, what is your favourite scent? Tell us in the comments below?
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