In the news today Herald Sun shared an EXCLUSIVE of Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy who has turned the tables on vile anti-vaccine campaigners constant abuse and harassment by making their threats public.
Catherine Hughes and her family have been fighting for vaccine awareness since their baby Riley passed away in March 2015 from whooping cough at just 32 days old.
Riley’s dad has shared on the Light for Riley Facebook page some of the abuse they themselves have also received from antivaxxers. He is speaking in support of Minister Hennessy saying she should not be alone in her stand against these acts.
He wrote, “As a family who have been constantly attacked by this section of the community, I applaud Jill Hennessy MP for taking a stand against some of the abhorrent cruelty she’s received through online bullying, trolling and vitriol. Whilst we’ve taken a stance as a family to generally not acknowledge this group of individuals, I felt that Minister Hennessy should not be alone in her stand against these acts.
To give you an insight into the type of attacks we personally have had to endure:
*We’ve been labelled terrorists who are akin to ISIS
*We’ve been labelled baby killers
*We’ve been told that our son was simply a stock image and we were paid actors who were simply spreading ‘BigPharma’s message’ in order to profit
*We’ve been accused of having links to the pharmaceutical industry (we don’t)
*We’ve been told our son deserved to die because ‘it’s a case of the weaker members of society dying off so that the strong can remain’ (this was sent to us in a private message roughly 24 hours after Riley had passed away)
*We’ve been told that ‘our new baby will come out with numerous deformities and it will be karma’
*We’ve been compared to the Nazi Germany regime because we’ve ‘promoted child death and disability’
These are just a small number of the insults that have been labelled at my family and particularly my wife.
Whenever you consider the misinformation being spread by these individuals, consider what kind of person would be willing to send messages such as those above and what they have to gain from such misinformation.
Online bullying in any form should never be tolerated, and the insidious manner in which this group conducts itself must be called out in order to debunk the misinformation and aggression this community continually directs towards members of the community who have nothing more than the best interests of children and families in mind.
Rant Over
-Riley’s Dad”
Unbelievable! Some people seriously have nothing better to do.
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