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Mother withdraws her children from school claiming that a program to promote transgender awareness is “brainwashing” students.

The government-funded program by the Safe Schools Coalition is designed to promote inclusiveness for ‘same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse’ students” reports News Limited. “It was announced in science class that boys could wear school dresses next year,” Ms White said.

Cella White told News Limited “This isn’t about safe schools, it’s transgenderism and gay activism bought into the classroom.

“They’re telling my children to call transgender children by their requested pronoun.

“What is the benefit to my son? He’s got a learning disability, he’s struggling with his times tables, he doesn’t need to deal with this” she said.

“The program should be removed from schools, and the government should replace it with anti-bullying resources not based on radical gender theory.”

Ms White said she is wants other parents to know “what their children are being taught.”

She said she is particularly concerned about the bathroom policy saying her daughter could be sharing a bathroom with a gender diverse student.

“It’s being presented as an anti-bullying program but the education department said it’s a sexual diversity program,” she said.

“Apart from this I love the school, I’m in mourning, I went there, my siblings went there, I told everyone how good they were.”

However, the principal of Frankston High, which regularly outperforms many neighbouring private schools, denies that students are being brainwashed with transgender politics.

“By joining the Safe Schools Coalition we show that we openly celebrate differences and support students who identify with the LGBTI community,” said principal John Albiston.

A spokesman for Minister for Education James Merlino told the Herald Sun that they are proud of the work the Safe Schools Coalition is doing:

“Discrimination, harassment and bullying have no place in Victorian schools, and it is up to all of us to establish safe and inclusive learning environments for every one of our students.

“Labor made an election commitment to bring this important program to every Victorian government school and we are happy to honour that promise.”

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  • I think the school has a real problem balancing child protection from sexual predators and non-discrimination of students. How do they protect girls from a boy who identifies with the female gender and enters the girls toilets? Who do we consider more in need of protection?
    I agree with this mum, I would pull my child from the school and suffer the consequences of having to go elsewhere. It clearly is a program designed to force an agenda on young vulnerable children, why else would primary schools also be forced to participate?


  • I agree with her. I was shocked when I first heard about this ‘program’. It is and always has been up to the parents when their kids were ready to teach them about sex etc. This School Safe Program must have been thought up from a sick mind, I can’t believe they want to establish it in 2016?. To get boys to wear girl’s dresses to see how they feel is revolting, they are brainwashing our children. No. do not put your child into that situation.


  • Although I support gay, lesbian, bi and Transgender people; I don’t feel it is appropriate to allow males to wear school dresses or make it part of the school curriculum. Perhaps touch on the topic in social studies etc but stick to the regular maths, science, English etc


  • the most telling part is this – ” She said she is particularly concerned about the bathroom policy saying her daughter could be sharing a bathroom with a gender diverse student.”

    if said student identifies as a girl or boy, regardless of genitalia, then shouldn’t said student be allowed to use their identified gender’s bathroom? I’d hate to see her reaction to a school with Unisex bathrooms.

    Sadly, It’s likely also the same sort of reaction school’s got when they first allowed people of different ethnicities to attend (only slightly less violent, because passive aggressive internet posts are the new form of protests, especially on touchy subjects, “I’m not homophobic but….”) but thankfully the schools are moving in the right direction, regardless of these protests. People who identify with other genders are out there, all over the place. what’s wrong with your child getting used to it as a normal part of life while they’re still learning about normal parts of life?

    as the mother of a 12 yo son who has somehow come home from school one day, with the idea that boys in dresses are gross and wrong even if they want to wear them (most emphatically NOT something he learned at home), I only wish they’d bring this program out here.


  • I totally agree with Cella White this pc world has got ridiculous gays etc are trying everything they can to get more people on their side even it it means brainwashing our kids through the school system under the guise of SAFE SCHOOLS what a lot of hogwash for f,s people get some balls and stop this crap and don’t be to frightened to be called a racist,a homophobe anything because that is all they have is the ability to call people names,people like Cella are to be commended for sticking up for our defenceless kids


  • Has she actually looked at the materials? Most of them are about respect and consideration. If her kid can’t deal with that, I think it’s more likely he’s the problem.


  • i can understand that the kids are little and don’t understand this all but i can see how the school would want to educate the children before they have started forming opinions. This is just education.


  • While I agree with the course I don’t agree that the boys should be told they HAVE to wear a school dress, or the girls told they have to wear boys shirts, shorts etc. Not only that how many parents are going to buy their son a school uniform dress to wear to school???


  • Fantastic.. I love seeing steps being implemented leading the way to a more aware, understanding, accepting generation & society. I’d like to give credit to the principal of this school for standing with strength & integrity, and being apart of the enabling of a society where individuals can live in their truth of who they are..


  • Sounds like a great idea to me. High schools are certainly the place for bullying. I hope this program helps


  • So children with gender dysmorphia don\’t have the right to live authentically, nor should they expect support from their school? Interesting. Because I\’d feel pretty safe in assuming that this woman would be demanding support and protection from discrimination for her child with a learning disability.


  • Transgender awareness is important as there is bullying.

    • Teaching children at a young age that discrimination in any form is not on is important.


  • The funny thing is that in reality its US the parents that should be teaching our kids about these things and teaching our children not to tease others, etc. But I guess this Mum is an example of why such a thing cant be left to parents and it needs to be taught in schools instead.


  • I think it is great that this school is embracing and encouraging diversity. I think this mum is being very close minded.


  • It is ignorant parents who create discrimination. Children don’t care whether someone is a black, white, Asian, German, boy, girl, gay, straight, bisexual or transgender. They will play with who they want based on personality not gender.


  • When the day comes when people don’t see the need to “openly celebrate differences” THEN we will have true equality. Why must “differences” be celebrated? Why can’t the just BE. Kids don’t “celebrate” that one has brown eyes and one has blue eyes, they say “oh look, we’ve got different colored eyes – let’s play”. They don’t care if another kid has two mums or two dads, or no dad and one mum, or whatever. They just see a playmate. When adults top foisting their prejudices on to their kids, THEN maybe the next generation won’t SEE the differences. They will just see a person.


  • I feel it sad these are her views as if she only live in the life of a family with a Transgender child for one week she might just try and understand what it is like to watch your child struggle with being born in the wrong body and wanting to be happy and it is not something they just wanted to change one day. – People who have gender dysphoria feel strongly that they are not the gender they physically appear to be.
    For example, a person who has a penis and all other physical traits of a male might feel instead that he is actually a female. That person would have an intense desire to have a female body and to be accepted by others as a female. Or, someone with the physical characteristics of a female would feel her true identity is male.
    Feeling that your body does not reflect your true gender can cause severe distress, anxiety, and depression. “Dysphoria” is a feeling of dissatisfaction, anxiety, and restlessness. With gender dysphoria, the discomfort with your male or female body can be so intense that it can interfere with the way you function in normal life, for instance at school or work or during social activities.
    Gender dysphoria used to be called “gender identity disorder.” But the mismatch between body and internal sense of gender is not a mental illness. Instead, what need to be addressed are the stress, anxiety, and depression that go along with it.


  • Lke ju


  • I understand anti-bullying, equality, respect, anti-racism, gender equality, acceptance and tolerance; I expect my children to uphold these values too. I do wonder, however, if a 12 year old heading off to high school is mature enough to make choices sexual preferences and gender identity, or are we setting up more opportunities for bullying and seclusion of vulnerable young students?

    • I agree with your thoughts. These days we are encouraging these things in the name of education. Kids should be learning to live and let live which includes everything.


  • What an insensitive mother!!! How can she justify that her Son gets the help he needs for his disability which he was born that way but other students who a born with the gender they know isn’t them shouldn’t get the help they need!
    It’s a huge joke she thinks her son won’t understand that another student wants to be accepted for who they are just like how he wants to be accepted for who he is….this Mother is just cold Hearted!

    More amazing Achivements for Frankston High 🙂


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