

The Birdcage Altona Cafe in Victoria certainly came through for this extra special request from a tired mumma!

Order up! Urgent coffee request received by a desperate mum at 6:43 am on Tuesday morning.

“One LARGE soy latte, but pretty please bring it out to the car?

“In my PJs driving around since 5am trying to get kids to sleep. FML”

Very impressive!

People are super impressed and praising the cafe for their service:

“How good is this!”

“Sooooo good!”

“WOW! So good”

“Can totally relate”

“This is GOLD!”

Birdcage Altona Cafe can be found at 7 Harrington Square, Altona, VIC. And you can even preorder on their special app.

Have you ever been this desperate for coffee?

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  • Oh boy…..poor mumma….hope she made it through the day.


  • Clever what you can do these days.


  • Totally understand this lady.
    I’m always up for a good hot strong coffee, but make it myself :)
    I felt really desperate during traveling sometimes and so happy when I came across a good cafe.


  • Kindness comes in all kinds of shapes. This would have meant the world to that lady.


  • What a great café. We don’t have that where I live but it would be truly awesome.


  • Ooh wow, what a great service this cafe offers. We’ve all been in that place at one time in our lives and it is super that it is recognised and not frowned upon or ridiculed. Good on Birdcage Altona Cafe!!


  • What great service, hats off to them, too many places that don’t care about the people, good to find one that genuinely does!


  • I love coffee and I understand the need for coffee! No doubt this coffee spot will now be a favourite with this kind of service! :)


  • Good on this café – must admit I have never been this desperate, but I can understand this lady.

    • I must admit I have been desperate at times for a good hot strong cup of coffee!


  • This is indeed gold …well done Birdcage Altona Cafe you helped a very tired mom out and in the process got extra coverage for your thoughtfulness. Although I do not like coffee I can relate to this poor mom and you get a huge thumbs up from me.
    Wishing mom, children and staff all the very best.


  • When I’m desperate for a coffee, I just make it with my own coffee machine.


  • Good on them for helping her out.


  • At 5am I’d probably just start my day, albeit begrudgingly.


  • So glad I don’t have a coffee addiction. I’ve never been able to drink it since I was pregnant with my first


  • I don’t drink coffee so I can’t relate to this, but so nice that she could put this request in her order. :-)


  • Poor mumma, hope they kids slept for a while for her


  • I love my coffee butt would not expect them to bring out to the car!


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