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A policewoman in Argentina has breastfeed a hungry, crying baby in hospital when medical staff were busy.

Celeste Ayala was on duty when the baby was brought in screaming and crying, “malnourished and dirty” when Ayala asked if she could feed him.

She says she could see he needed some food and that staff were overworked.

“I noticed that he was hungry, as he was putting his hand into his mouth, so I asked to hug him and breastfeed him,” The Sun reports.

“It was a sad moment, it broke my soul seeing him like this, society should be sensitive to the issues affecting children, it cannot keep happening.”

A friend of the officer, Marcos Heredia, took the photo and shared it online. It quickly went viral and has been liked more than 158,000 times and shared over 112,000 times.

Such a touching story. We need more people like this in the world!

Would you feed someone elses baby in need?

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  • It’s something I have never thought about. The Police Officer was there at the right time.
    I doubt they expected the photo to go viral.


  • what a lovely thing for Pink to do.


  • What a beautiful thing to do


  • Beautiful ! And this liquid gold & comfort is the best she could give to this malnourished child.


  • So wonderful and heart warming to see this

    • Stories of women stepping up like this warms my heart too!


  • A selfless and kind act towards a child in need – beautiful!


  • Probably I would have done the same, yes. But I wouldn’t have wanted a picture of me on social media. 🙂


  • That’s a whole lot of emapthy the policewoman has shown.


  • So beautiful! Such a lovely selfless thing to do


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