
116 Comment

Remember making pom poms all those years ago? Funny how some crafts reinvent themselves many years later and they’re still as cute and tempting to make.

I saw these Pom Pom Easter Chicks on Pinterest and had to give it a go. My 6 year old enjoyed helping too and he was so focused it was actually quite peaceful for a few moments! If you don’t have the orange cardboard and yellow wool available then just have fun experimenting with all different coloured chicks!


  • Cardboard
  • Wool
  • Plastic needle (if you don’t have one then just feed the wool through the hole using your fingers)
  • Coloured markers (we actually used washi tape for the feet and beak, but it can easily be coloured using textas or crayons)
  • Scissors
  • String


1. Draw the outline of the chicken twice as you need 2 chickens for the pom pom to form correctly.

2. Cut out the chickens and use a blade or scissors to carefully cut a small hole in the middle.

Pom Pom Chicken_1

3. Thread the wool through the plastic needle. You will need a few metres of wool, so it’s best not to cut it until you’ve finished.

Pom Pom Chicken_2

4. Loop the wool through the hole and around the outside of the chicken multiple times until it’s approximately 2-3 layers thick.

Pom Pom Chicken_3

5. Cut around the wool using the gap between the cardboard as a guide.

6. Once you’ve finished, place the piece of string around the chicken but in between each cardboard piece. Pull the string tight and tie a knot.

Pom Pom Chicken_6

7. Fluff out the wool and trim any long ends.

8. Colour in the feet, beak and give the chick some eyes.

You might want to make a few chicks to hang on a mobile or a garland for Easter. You could even try doing it with a bunny rabbit outline too!

  • Oh looking at the photo I thought the Pom Poms we’re just stuck on there. This way is much better lol


  • takes me back to my childhood. will be great to re learn this and the chick is a nice spin on a standard ball shape


  • Loved making pom poms when I was a kid, I might have to teach my kids this – thank you


  • Cute and easy !


  • Live it..bunny will look good as well


  • Love it. Used to always make Pom poms as a child


  • Gorgeous! It reminds of the days when I used to make loads of poms poms as a child.


  • Cute ideas


  • I loved making pom poms as a kid!


  • This does look quite easy – apart from drawing the chicken.


  • Oh so cute! But Pom poms are so time consuming! I guess I could make small chicks, like REALLY small chicks, they would be quicker


  • How creative! I used to make pom pom when I was a little girl


  • I just found a cheats Pom Pom on here using a fork. I thought this would be perfect, but no, different Pom poms again!


  • They look really cute! Great tips!


  • How cute! My kids would love to make this.


  • This is so cute…….great idea. Thank


  • I did this with the kids last year at Easter an it was a big hit they loved it.


  • what a fun and gorgeous craft idea


  • These are just too cute. Looking forward to making them this year 🙂


  • What a great idea.
    I will have to try this at home with our girls.
    Im sure they would love it 😉


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