
  • Serves 6
  • Makes 1
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


This 4 ingredient Nutella Crackle Cake is so quick and so easy, I’m now going to make it ALL THE TIME!

Ingredients (serves 6 | makes 1 15 - 18cm cake)

  • 1/2 cup Nutella
  • 2 large Eggs
  • 3/4 cup Grapeseed or Light Olive Oil
  • 1 cup Self Raising Flour


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees celcius.
  2. Crack the 2 eggs into the food processor and blitz on high for a full minute.
  3. Reduce the speed to half and If possible, add the oil in a steady stream whilst the motor is still running. If not, add in two lots and blitz back on high once all oil is added.
  4. Add the Nutella and blitz on mid speed for a further 30 seconds.
  5. Sift the flour into the food processor and combine on a lower speed.
  6. Scoop into a 15 - 18cm round baking tin. I like to line mine with baking paper but if you don't want to do this, just spray or grease tin well. Leave the top of the cake batter all bumpy - the more bumps, the more crackles once it's cooked.
  7. Cook in the centre of the oven for 20 - 25 minutes or until a bamboo skewer comes out with just a few crumbs stuck to the skewer.
  8. Cool on a wire rack. Don't panic if the top of the cakes cracks a little more on cooling - all part of the 'crackle' effect. Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve with pouring or double cream and/or ice cream.


As an alternative, serve this cake as individual desserts - just cook in individual ramekins or even large cupcake cases.

  • I love quick and simple recipes, and if they include Nutella then absolute bonus.


  • Loving the sound of this, especially since most of these ingredients would be at home ready to go for a quick chocolately dessert treat.


  • These days most GF flours claim to be 1:1 but so many recipes fail for me. Maybe the oil used here will be the saving grace! I’ll give it go


  • Wow so good it doesn’t have many ingredients.
    We’ll definitely have to try this one as we are big Nutella fans!
    Thank you so much for sharing.


  • My daughter would love this. Shes crazy about nutella


  • Tha you for sharing – it will be next up for my cooking attempts


  • Looks delicious and as a fan of Nutella in this house, this seems to be an easy one to follow and demolish, YUM!


  • I’m glad this recipe is easy as the Nutella Crackle Cake looks so good and I want to make it.


  • Yum! How easy


  • A very easy dessert and one that you can tweak to your own loves. Thanks for sharing.


  • Ooh yummy! I like the sound of this.


  • WOW! Look at that! I’m not a Nutella fan but could be turned for this.


  • Ohhh well this looks like one fun dessert. Yum!


  • I love the crackle effect because it’s actually meant to happen and looks super cool


  • Nutella is the best and how simple does this recipe sound. Thanks for sharing.


  • Yummmm how good is Nutella


  • easy to make and easy for the kids to eat seeing they love nutella


  • Nice and much taste good. Thanks for sharing


  • My kids eat Nutella every day.Never thought about making this.


  • This looks so easy and I bet it’s a lovely dense cake- I might bake this and eat it straight out the oven with ice-cream!


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