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Portion control is without doubt one of the key factors in being successful with your weight loss goals, and the truth is that many of us tend to overeat on a regular basis. 

So to try and help you control overeating we have put together our Top 7 Healthy Mummy tips to avoid you eating too much, compiling the best ways to beat overeating.

Ways to beat overeating #1 Don’t let yourself get really hungry

Even for the most strong-willed of us, hunger sends all self control out the window. Remember that you need healthy snacks with you if you are going to be out and about in the day – so planning ahead is key. Don’t leave it to chance that you will be in the right frame of mind to make the best choice from the café or supermarket when you are already in hungry-mode.

#2 Eat slowly

So often we shovel our food down way too quickly, which doesn’t give our body enough time to work out that it’s had enough to eat. Before we’ve realised, we have piled more food onto our plate and have started picking at the kids leftovers. Between each mouthful, make a point of putting down your cutlery. This will slow down the rate at which you eat, giving you more time to notice the fullness cues that your body sends when it is satisfied.

#3 Begin your day with a healthy breakfast

We might all feel busy or stressed in the morning sometimes, but that is definitely not a good excuse to skip breakfast. Just think, you haven’t eaten since dinner last night and yet you expect your body to keep going about its business without refuelling? It often leads to the ravenous feeling which can lead to a blow out at morning tea time. Instead, one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to beat overeating is to spend the (short amount of) time it takes to prepare yourself a quick breakfast. If you are short on time, try making a Healthy Mummy Smoothie which is packed with vitamins and minerals, tastes great, and will keep you full (and sane) until morning tea.

#4 Plan ahead

Often we can get busy planning our dinners for the week, forgetting that we also need to plan our snacks too. Snacking is key for weight loss as it keeps the metabolism firing, and keeps your blood sugar levels stable between your meals. See some healthy eating snack ideas here!

#5 Drink enough water

Water can help to fill the gaps in our bellies when we are going about our day. It’s also very common for dehydration to be confused with hunger. So one of the easiest ways to beat overeating is to bring your water bottle and sip regularly throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated and full.

#6 Eat enough protein and fibre

Have you noticed how you can easily consume a freshly squeezed fruit juice (which may have around 8 pieces of fruit in it) but if you tried to consume the same amount of whole fruit you wouldn’t be able to do it? That’s the effect of fibre. Similarly, you might be able to tuck into a big bowl of potato chips, but try the same amount of cashews and you would be bursting at the seams. That’s the effect of protein, and why including protein and fibre in your diet is in our list of the top 7 ways to beat overeating.

#7 Put meals on the plate in the kitchen

This is a really good way to help with portion control. When you are serving up a meal, instead of placing the whole tray on the table – serve up in the kitchen instead. Immediately pack away leftovers into containers to freeze or take for a packed lunch. When the food is not in front of you, the desire to top up your plate (or just pick a little here and there) is removed and you end up eating less.

This article was written by Rhian Allen, Founder of Lose Baby Weight and The Healthy Mummy For more motivation, advice, recipes and exercise plans visit http://www.healthymummy.com and for daily motivation join The Healthy Mummy Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/healthymummy

  • I do all of these and still find myself over eating


  • I’m gonna look at this everyday!
    I have lost 15 pounds so far & a few more would be great.

    Thanks for these tips!


  • Great article thanks for sharing your ideas and tips on portion control.


  • great advices


  • Being active helps heaps 🙂


  • I tend to eat out of boredom, watching TV or if i have a real slow day i’ll pick at stuff for something to do. I so have to break this habit as my portion control is quite good


  • I find if I drink plenty of water then I don’t tend to eat as much


  • I find I’m an emotional eater, eating when I’m sad, angry, bored, etc. since I’ve become aware of this I try to have a drink of water or tea before hitting the pantry.


  • I do eat slowly, I have used this method for a while now and it has helped me greatly in at least maintaining and not adding any more weight.


  • Glad i found this post thank you


  • I always try and drink plenty of water throughout the day at work. The lunch table at work can be tempting as it tends to more often than not have snacks on it.


  • I only eat normal portion, drink plenty water or juice and fruits. it’s really work for me to lose some weight.


  • Great advice, now I have to take some of those ideas on board.


  • My problem is I do let myself get too hungry and not fussed on water unless it has a tea bag in it. Some good tips here, thank you.


  • Prepare your cupboards for the onslaught of healthy food and ingredients. Make what you eat and use smaller plates. Prepare yourself and your day whenever possible so you know what’s going to be on your plate instead of making last minute decisions. Treat yourself occasionally do you don’t feel like you’re missing out.


  • I only eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full I don’t feel I have to eat every thing in front of me and this is how I have always been i listen to my body


  • an interesting read, also I think we need to keep easy foods out of the home


  • If I get hungry between meals I try and drink small sips of water it suppresses my appetite for a little bit.


  • I absolutely agree portion size is definitely out of control. My nan, mum grew up on real foods, smaller plates. When I order out I think thin which helps me make better choices. I’m very fortunate & have good will power, great read, great advice 🙂


  • All great steps! No one ever mentions how hard it is to start cutting back your portions, without feeling hungry and binging an hour later…


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