
  • Serves 6
  • 2 hours
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 10 Ingredients


This Apricot Chicken without French Onion Soup Recipe is perfect if you are a fan of apricot chicken but not too keen on a pile of processed foods.

For a busy Mum, it can be super easy to just chuck a tin of apricot and a packet of French onion soup into a dish with some chicken and cook it up.

However, for a stronger taste with less processed foods, give this Apricot Chicken without French Onion Soup a try! It’s deceptively easy and packs a punch in the flavour stakes!

If you’re after Organic Chicken for this recipe, our favourite is Inglewood/Hobbs Thigh Fillets from Doorstep Organics. Order now and get $20 off your first order!

Serve this up with some rice and veggies for a hearty, nutritious meal that you and your bubs will absolutely love!

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 2 kg Chicken pieces
  • 800g Tin Apricot Nectar
  • 2 cups Chicken stock
  • 1/2 tsp Curry Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Tumeric
  • 2 tsp Coriander
  • 2 tsp Cumin
  • 2 tsp Crushed garlic
  • 1 onion loosely chopped
  • 1/4 cup plain flour


  1. Preheat oven to 150°C.
  2. I could advise you here before you start to brown the chicken, onion and spices in a pan to strengthen the flavours. But who has time for that in the middle of the afternoon routine!
  3. I just toss all the ingredients (except the chicken) and mix together. Then place chicken in, cover with foil and cook for an hour.
  4. After an hour, remove foil turn over chicken and cook for another hour or until brown and bubbly.
  5. Serve on top of rice or mashed potato.

If you're a fan of this Apricot Chicken without French Onion Soup, you might like some of these other chicken recipes that are made from scratch:

  • Thank you for sharing. Sounds good


  • I never knew I was made with french onion soup. I’ve always made it with nectar


  • I didn’t know you’d make it WITH French onion soup!


  • We’ve had Apricot Chicken a couple of times using a ready-made packet or jar mix but this looks easy enough to do.


  • This sounds so much nicer than I was expecting, and simpler too. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe.


  • What an awesome simple recipe. I particularly like ‘step 2′ :)


  • I don’t like apricot with chicken, maybe it’s good for someone else


  • Yes! I hate the onion soup! I will be making this as apricot chicken sounds delicious without it.


  • I love Apricot chciken….so yummy


  • This is a keeper! I’ve never really liked using french onion soup packets making it & this is all fresh products only.


  • Lovely ingredients and a nice recipe idea.


  • Yum, this is going on the dinner list for next week


  • Wow, haven’t had apricot chicken since I was a kid! Makes me nostalgic.


  • This seems pretty cheap to make. I’ll try in my slow cooker. Yummy.


  • Looks like a yummy recipe it’s very popular


  • What an interesting recipe!

    • I recall my mum making something similar many years ago.


  • My sister in law made this for me when I babysat her children. Was really nice.


  • I’d love to make this from scratch. I tend to use a packet mix instead, but this is easy. I might leave out the coriander though – the family hates it!!


  • Thanks for sharing. I’m not too keen to use apricots from a tin, can you use fresh apricots?


  • Might have to give this a try because I love making it with the packet soup but I used a packet of curry and rice soup mix.


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